Let Lifechanyuan be Known to All the World


April 4th, 2007

Lifechanyuan rises onto the twenty-first century’s historical stage with its brand-new concept; it ascends above those narrow concepts of political parties, religions, nationalities, and countries, and opens a new chapter of human development with a new vision, and it will usher people into the new Lifechanyuan Era.

It integrates religion with science, and explains comprehensively:

  • The birth of the universe

  • The origin of the Greatest Creator

  • The origins of LIFE and humankind

  • The mysteries of time and space

  • The meaning, purpose, and value of life

  • The crises faced by humankind

  • The future of humankind

  • The origin and function of the moon

  • And especially the meaning of LIFE, the levels of LIFE, and the meaning and extension of Tao

It inherits and defends the thoughts and wisdom of Jesus Christ, Buddha, and all saints, sages, and prophets; it integrates spiritual sensual development, self-improvement, self-refinement, health preservation, one’s conduct, spiritual sublimation, and the information of the new era as a whole, and it raises the consciousness of humans to an unperceived level which lays the thought foundation for humankind to enter into the Lifechanyuan Era now.

The basic theories of Lifechanyuan are:

  • Unconventional thinking

  • The Greatest Creator

  • Time, space, and the universe

  • Revelations

  • Treasures of classical advice

  • Humanity

  • Human life

  • Self improvement and self-cultivation

  • Life and LIFE

  • Physical and spiritual healthcare

  • Life’s wisdom

  • The attainment of Buddhahood

  • Celestial cultivation

  • Preaching Tao

  • The nonmaterial world

  • Xuefeng Corpus

  • Articles by the masters from both home and abroad, from antiquity to modernity

  • Inspirations and understandings of Chanyuan celestials in Lifechanyuan

  • 36-dimensional space

  • The noble, eight-fold path of thinking

  • Eighty new concepts proposed by Lifechanyuan

All are epoch-making wisdom and will play incredible roles in changing completely the thinking mode of humankind and turn them into a new humankind.

Lifechanyuan advocates people to revere the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature, respect Buddha, the Gods, and their parents, and follow the way of the Greatest Creator. These are the core conditions for establishing harmonious mechanisms between people among each other, people and gods, people and nature, people and other LIVES, and are the required conditions for mankind to enter the new era.

Implementing the strategy of unifying all religions into a single belief system, Lifechanyuan are to completely eliminate all the conflicts and discordant factors of humankind which are caused by the competition of ideological fields of religions, political ideologies, nationalities, countries, and other divisive elements, and will lead mankind into a peaceful era - the Lifechanyuan Era.

Indications of the Lifechanyuan Era will be the following:

  • Religions, political persuasions, and national borders will die out

  • Wars, diseases, famines, and crime will disappear

  • Familial relationships will dissolve

  • Spiritual and soulful cultivation will replace material enjoyment

  • Natural disasters will lessen

  • We will be lead by saints and managed by sages

  • No one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors will not be bolted at night

  • Life will include prosperity, peace, and tranquility

  • The talented will be put to their best use

  • The world will be as a single family

  • The Lifechanyuan Era will last for a millennium, people will enjoy lifespans of half that, and the ideal paradise that mankind has always dreamed of will become established.

Lifechanyuan will not only allow people to enjoy the pleasures and happiness of this life, but it will also guide people to extend their LIVES to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium world through self-refinement of thinking.

Since Lifechanyuan proposed major adjustments of LIFE in the universe in 2013, prophecies of Mayan astrology and Tibetan monks have become known to the world. This unrelated information similarly predicted that there would be a catastrophe in 2009 and that the earth would undergo a radical change in 2013, and was basically consistent with the information of the new era, words of Jesus Christ and Sakyamuni, Nostradamus' “Prophecies and Predictions'', Tui bei tu, “Twenty-four Volumes on Military Strategy”, and others. Therefore, it is an important period of life and death for humankind.

Saving millions of lives is an overriding priority. All spiritually conscious people and those who wish to enter into the Lifechanyuan Era should give up their personal interests and devote their precious time to the grand cause of promoting Lifechanyuan. You must not only use all your time to self-improve and self-refine, but also to help people around you understand Lifechanyuan, strive to build merits, and sublimate your consciousness and qualities. Any hesitation, wandering, or waiting only results in a waste of time and becomes a regret.

All bits of merit will work and become embedded into our structures of LIFE. Even if they are not for others, but for yourselves, we hope that you who read this article will promote and build Lifechanyuan and do your best to reprint Lifechanyuan’s articles onto other websites. Your efforts will not be in vain because even if people cannot repay you, the Greatest Creator's Tao will.

Punishments might not be immediate but they will be sure, fluky minds can only anesthetize and deceive people; doing good deeds is the only way out.

Let Lifechanyuan be known to all the world!

Last updated