Rather Die Than Swallow One's Words


Nov. 24, 2009

Lifechanyuan is built on the basis of faith which is the belief in the Greatest Creator, Taoism, Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Celestial LaoTzu, Mohammed the Prophet, the acceptance of matter of truth, science, logic, telegnosis, causality, and also the belief of a bright future of mankind.

This is the connotation of the belief of Lifechanyuan, and its denotation is that Lifechanyuan would never ever break its word to society and people. We will keep our promises. If someone is disqualified as the Chanyuan Celestial and his or her name as Chanyuan Celestial is cancelled, his or her dedication to Lifechanyuan would be returned in full except for 2000 Yuan service fee. We would rather die than swallow one's words.

Why shall we take out 2000 Yuan as service fee? Because Chanyuan Celestial enjoys services provided by Lifechanyuan, and it's natural to dedicate once you have enjoyed. Reaping without sowing equals to exploitation, and it violates the law of justice and fairness.

Lifechanyuan is home to all Chanyuan Celestials. We would like to make every Chanyuan Celestial to know that our home is not only reliable and trustworthy but also brings security to everyone. Appropriate compensation must be returned to Chanyuan Celestial once he or she makes dedication to Lifechanyuan. Dedication to Lifechanyuan somehow resembles bank deposit. It always belongs to the Chanyuan Celestial who deposits it in person rather than someone else. He or she can take back the dedication anytime in accordance with his or her will. Except for the deduction of service fee, Lifechanyuan would make every effort to return the dedication in full number. Lifechanyuan will always keep promises and will never bear any burden of incredibility, both spiritually and mentally.

Without faith, man cannot live in contentment, let alone be trusted and relied on by others. Man who is without faith cannot be called a pure man; we can only regard it as a soul. Although others can be faithless and they can go back their words, Lifechanyuan as well as Chanyuan Celestial must be faithful and trustworthy, we mean what we say.

Be factual, realistic, dignified, imposing, honest and openhearted, all of which are virtues of Chanyuan Celestial. Only when we are faithful and credible, can we obtain these virtues.

Heaven is home to faithful and trustworthy people, while faithless people are doomed to go to Hell. We are destined to have a bright future so long as we keep our promises and be faithful.

Rather die than swallow one's words is one of the Lifechanyuan values.

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