Thirty-Six Eight-Diagram Arrays: The Array of Gravitation


Everything in the universe is bound, or rather, protected by gravity. Without gravity, there would be no world, no universe, and no myriad phenomena, including all life forms.

Gravity both confines and protects everything, including life.

There are two types of gravity: material gravity and nonmaterial gravity. The attraction between material entities is called material gravity, while the attraction between nonmaterial entities is called nonmaterial gravity. The strength of material gravity between objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The strength of nonmaterial gravity between entities is directly proportional to the debts they owe each other and inversely proportional to the favors they have done for each other.

When gravity confines and protects material or nonmaterial entities within a certain spacetime, preventing their escape, it is referred to as a gravitation array.

Humans are simultaneously bound by material and nonmaterial gravity, which prevents them from escaping the cycle of reincarnation in the human world. Material gravity primarily confines humans to Earth, their physical vessel, while nonmaterial gravity restrains humans through their indebtedness to nature, other life forms, and other individuals.

To break free from the cycle of reincarnation and ascend to heaven, humans must overcome the constraints of material and nonmaterial gravity. As long as there is a physical vessel, humans cannot escape the Earth and the solar system to reach other planets. The probability of escaping through “micro-wormholes,” “space tunnels,” “interstellar gates,” or “lateral spacetime” is virtually negligible for the general populace and falls outside the realm of conventional discussion. Therefore, to reach heaven, humans must first transcend the physical body. Only by shedding their physical body can they have a chance to escape the Earth and the solar system. The methods to transcend the physical body include natural death, “ascension,” “phoenix nirvana,” and “astral projection.” Lifechanyuan emphasizes the method of “phoenix nirvana.”

The concept of “phoenix nirvana” mentioned here shares similarities with historical concepts, particularly in Buddhism, but also has differences in nature and method. Therefore, it should not be equated with or misinterpreted based on historical concepts.

Ultimately, the confinement of the physical body to life will be overcome, and there is no need for further in-depth study or discussion.

What we need to focus on is the confinement of life by nonmaterial gravity, which I have already discussed in “The Law of Gravitation of Life.” Please refer to that for further insights.

How do we understand the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life?

For example, when we travel away from home, we always long for our own home and eagerly anticipate returning. This longing, this constant desire to return home, represents the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life. Similarly, when we dream of flying, we often reach a certain height or distance before finding it difficult to fly higher or experiencing fear. This is also a result of the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life. Furthermore, when we are reincarnated, we tend to be born into familiar environments rather than unfamiliar ones. This, too, is due to the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life.

For members of Lifechanyuan, there is a clear phenomenon that accurately illustrates the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life. For example, when entering the Second Home, some members find it easy to settle in, while others face significant challenges. The primary reason for this discrepancy lies in the varying strength of the gravitational pull of nonmaterial on each individual—those with weaker pulls find it easier, while those with stronger pulls find it more difficult.

Likewise, to transcend the human world and reach heaven in the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent, individuals must first overcome the gravitational pull of nonmaterial in the human and animal worlds. Otherwise, despite their yearning, they will struggle to take action, much like many members of Lifechanyuan who find it challenging to settle in the Second Home, even though they aspire to do so.

Where gravity is strong, material moves towards; where gravity is strong, life cycles and transforms. The gravitational pull of nonmaterial on life is latent, imperceptible to humans, and operates independently of human will, determined by the program of Tao. Although heaven exerts a strong pull on humans, why is it so difficult for humans to enter heaven? It is because the gravitational pull of the debts we owe in our past lives far outweighs the pull of heaven. This principle applies only to the world of reincarnation. To completely break free from the cycle of life and enjoy eternal happiness in the pure land, commonly referred to as “jumping out of the three realms and not staying within the five elements,” one must completely sever ties with the world of reincarnation, while the only thorough way of severing is not owing any debts to it while amassing “treasures” in the pure land.

This is the basic principle of the gravitation array and how to break free from it to reach an ideal state. The principle is easy to understand but putting it into practice and achieving one’s goals is not a simple task. The ultimate method for escaping gravitational constraints and “reaching the other shore” is extensively discussed and practiced in “Chanyuan Corpus” and “Xuefeng Corpus,” and it is not further elaborated here.

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