Confession of Lifechanyuan Guide 2024


February 18, 2024

Apart from understanding and knowing the path from the mortal world to the Thousand-Year World, Ten-Thousand-Year World, and Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World, I confess that I lack knowledge in all other areas. Therefore, I have the following confessions:

1. I will not collaborate with any individual, group, organization, political party, religion, or country. Therefore, do not seek collaboration with me. You handle your affairs, and I will handle mine. Your actions will not affect me, and my actions will not affect you.

2. I do not seek assistance from any individual, group, organization, political party, religion, or country. My affairs are matters of the Greatest Creator. I rely solely on the Greatest Creator, not on others. Therefore, no one should harbor thoughts such as “I want to help the guide,” or “I am helping the guide.” You handle your affairs, and I will handle mine. What and how you choose to do is your business, not mine, and my business is not your business.

3. No one should offer me advice or suggestions, nor prompt or instruct me on what to do and how to do it. I have a clear understanding of what I am doing, what I want to do, and how I will do it. I do not need anyone’s prompts, suggestions, or ideas.

4. My only concern is how people can live to become celestial beings and how life can ascend to heaven. I do not concern myself with the affairs of any country, government leader, religion, or political party.

5. I am not a saint, nor am I a good or bad person, neither kind nor evil. Therefore, I do not concern myself with the world’s pain and joy, nor with anyone’s basic needs, birth, aging, sickness, and death. I will neither help nor harm people.

6. Anyone who studies the Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus does so voluntarily, not because I require or force them to. Anyone who propagates the Chanyuan values and the Second Home lifestyle does so consciously and voluntarily, not because I arrange or require it. If you benefit from the corpus and its propagation, that is your blessing and the result of your efforts. Therefore, do not praise or extol me, because your benefit has nothing to do with me. Similarly, if you suffer, sin, and tire from the corpus and its propagation, that is your own doing, and it has nothing to do with me.

7. I am only responsible for guiding Chanyuan Celestials, and I am not responsible for anyone who is not a Chanyuan Celestial. The rise and fall of the world may be the responsibility of every individual, but it has nothing to do with me. The so-called guidance of Chanyuan Celestials is merely writing articles. As for how Chanyuan Celestials act and what they say, it all depends on their own enlightenment and voluntary action. I will not arrange or require anyone to do or say anything. What Chanyuan Celestials want to say and do is entirely their own business, not mine.

8. If my previous statements and actions contradict the content above, that is entirely my mistake. This will be the standard moving forward.

The above confession is intended to inform everyone, including Chanyuan Celestials, that anyone wishing to communicate with me should only discuss life and LIFE. Avoid discussing any other topics as this can minimize communication costs, and greatly save time and energy. Apart from life and LIFE, I do not comprehend the rest, nor do I wish to.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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