Truth is the Channel of God


December 8, 2020

The more truth you know, the closer you are to God; the more falsehoods you know, the closer you are to Satan. To face the truth, is to face God; if you do not want to face the truth, you can only face Satan. Those who reveal and spread the truth are the sons and daughters of God; those who conceal and obliterate it are of Satan. What makes people happy and joyous must be true; what makes them worried and painful must be false. If people live in happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, blessedness, they live in truth; if they live in trouble, pain, anxiety, sorrow, and fear, they live in falsehoods.

The truth is often hidden in illusions and falsehoods. We can only understand the truth from our own actual feelings. You cannot know the truth by scriptures, nor by master’s preachings, ideals, beliefs, faith, piety, affection, conceptual logic, reasoning, nor by information and reports on TV networks, let alone by your parents’ and teachers’ words and deeds. Only your own inner feelings will teach you the truth. It is like durian and stinky tofu, any description from the outside world is not its real taste, you can only know that by tasting it yourself.

You should have a taste of the truth. The truth is not horrible, what is horrible is to be perplexed by the false. To make your life better and enter heaven, you must face the truth. The more you escape the truth, the more miserable your life will be and the more you will slide into an abyss. This world is completely shrouded in falsehoods; everyone lives in them. The “truth” spread by people in falsehoods is also a kind of high-level falsehood; if you listen to and believe it, then you will be fooled by the devil.

All concepts are shackles, barriers, and obstacles to finding the truth. The more concepts you learn from the human world and the more human created “truth” you know, the further away you will be from the real truth. If you want to learn, just learn from all the things and phenomena in nature because only they can reveal the real truth to you.

In terms of enlightening value, the most valuable words of mankind in this session belong to the words of Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, and celestial Lao Tzu; so go and find the road to the truth in the Bible, the Diamond Sutra, and the Tao Te Ching; these are the most direct revelations.

If you are really too stubborn to find the truth, then try to get rid of troubles, pain, anxiety, sorrow, fear, and death. The way to happiness, joy, freedom, blessedness, and eternal life is to let the Greatest Creator live in your heart, trust the Greatest Creator completely, then go forward by following your feelings and the greatest driving force in your heart. Being true to yourself is also facing the truth. Do not deceive yourself; nothing about you has anything to do with others. If you think that everything about yourself is caused by others, then you must be living in falsehood and you have not yet found the real truth.

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