The Interpretation of Predestined Ties


May 28, 2012

Tie: A bond of information that will re-connect two LIVES in the future for favour, disgrace, or injury. Once you get a tie, it must be ended, otherwise their tractive force will be inescapable.

Predestined ties: Potential energy accumulates from the tractive forces between LIVES. It circulates in infinite space and eternal time until it reaches the point where it transforms into kinetic energy, releases it, and then causes the tractive force to disappear.

Favorable ties: The information to be processed that remains in the negative universe which result from the love and honor between LIVES who bless each other and are eager to reunite. The information will never disappear until these wills are realized and the ties end.

Good karma: One LIFE gives another LIFE a sincere blessing and a favor that will cause a corresponding gravity to return in the future.

Evil karma: The hatred and debt between LIVES which never disappear until the hatred is settled or the debt is paid off.

Worldly ties: All the information left and all the debts owed in the mortal world are called worldly ties.

Marriage ties: the love-hate relationships between husbands and wives are called marriage ties.

Celestial ties: A bond with a Celestial being is called a Celestial tie.

End ties: End ties are when all debts are paid back.

Following predestined ties: According to the arrangement of the universal scenario and plot, accept and play the assigned role with pleasure.

Ties are kinds of invisible meshes which are established between LIVES, ”Divine punishments are slow, but always sure with big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through”. Once getting a tie, it must be ended, otherwise you will be unable to escape their meshes. Worldly ties must be ended in the mortal world, heavenly ones must be ended in heaven, and hellish ones must be ended in hell. Ties are tractive forces. Those which are not ended will stay in tow forever, no matter how far apart in time or space, and they can never be escaped.

Anyone who wants to go to heaven, must end all ties in the mortal world as soon as possible, whether they are good karma, evil karma, favorable ties, or marriage ties. As long as there are the ties, it is best to end them as soon as possible, otherwise you will be unable to leave the mortal world, and will have to reincarnate back into the mortal world of samsara to end the ties in future lives.

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