Everything Is Inevitable; Only I Roam Free


Knowing that everything is inevitable allows us to follow the flow, let things happen naturally, find inner peace, and live a carefree life. We can free ourselves from the entanglements of worries, emotional ties, ignorance, and the chase of death. Like eagles soaring across the vast blue sky, or dragons swimming in the rolling seas, we remain calm and composed, living gracefully through the bloom and wither of flowers, the rise and fall of clouds, the changes of the seas, and the turmoil of society.

Unmoved by praise or disgrace, indifferent to the waves of life, unshaken by earthquakes or the trembling earth, even with a blade to the neck, we remain calm. We do not rejoice in success, nor grieve over adversity. Whether disaster strikes or fortune arrives, it is all part of life’s game. Nothing is truly urgent; life is a peaceful paradise where birds sing and flowers bloom everywhere. With a serene heart, it feels as though we are always wandering in heavenly realms. This is the advantage of understanding inevitability.

When an earthquake strikes, a tsunami crashes, or a world war erupts, treat it like the neighbor’s child letting out a loud fart.

When a train derails, a flood surges, or bird flu spreads, just see it as nature putting on a show for us.

When officials are corrupt, police abuse power, someone is imprisoned, another commits suicide, or someone hits rock bottom, think of it as a subplot in a novel.

When your wife runs off with someone, your daughter elopes, your husband takes a mistress, a third party interferes, or a lover leaves you, consider it as releasing a bird from a cage—no more worries about feeding or caring for it.

When your parents pass away, the world seems to collapse, your children face misfortune, or your friend's house catches fire, imagine it as a cloud passing overhead.

When facing death, see it as the end of your earthly journey and the beginning of a heavenly one. Smile and embrace it with joy.

What else is there that cannot be let go? What else needs to be worried about?

1.My coming into this world was inevitable. I do not resent heaven, earth, my parents, or anyone else. No matter if life is smooth or difficult, I will face it with calmness. For good times, I will be grateful; for hard times, I will accept them with ease.

2.My parents are my inevitable karmic bond. Regardless of their abilities, status, health, or temper, they are gifts from heaven, and I will honor and respect them with all my heart.

3.Fate determines when we meet and when we part. Whether it’s children, siblings, friends, colleagues, spouses, or lovers, I will not cling to them when they arrive and will let go when they leave. I will fulfill my duties and let fate take its course.

4.When events arise, the mind responds; when they pass, the mind is at peace. I will not be bound by positions of power, nor be controlled by wealth. I will not be swayed by emotions or obsessed with gain and loss. When I can fly, I will soar high; when I can swim, I will swim freely. Life is but a dream, and upon awakening, all is empty.

5.Losing a position is liberation, losing wealth is tranquility. When people leave, my heart empties; when death comes, it is a new beginning. Whatever happens, happens—I will embrace it all.

6.When family, country, religion, or party are gone, I will simply change old clothes for new, leave the temple or church for heaven. I will unite with heaven and earth and resonate with the Tao. When one door closes, another opens. At the ends of the earth, fragrant grasses abound; at the corners of the sea, true feelings are found. Burning scriptures brings us closer to our innate nature. Without the shackles of family, country, religion, or party, my soul is free and at peace.

7.Whether by hunger, cold, accident, violence, old age, illness, joy, or laughter, death is inevitable. Face it calmly without anxiety. Let the storms rage; I will sit steady in my boat, deeply rooted in my spiritual source. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter will come and go, as will the winds from every direction.

8.Seek joy daily, find happiness in every moment, and experience life fully without regret.

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