The Kingdom of The Greatest Creator Has Come! The New "Noah's Ark" and Paradise Home--Lifechanyuan

A Great Tribulation is happening in the next decade!

An unprecedented golden paradisiacal era is coming!

Be free from the worries of survival; even life and death. Be free from the bondage of marriage and precepts; in the Xanadu, everything will be peaceful and harmonious. Enjoy your favorite job without being managed or supervised and share all our resources. Daily supplies will be abundant, everyone will have pure and beautiful souls, and people will love each other as relatives in a family. Enjoy affectionate and romantic love by following your predestined relations. Lead a pure and free life in which close friends and relatives join in your quest to climb toward heaven. Dance, sing, and play games. Show your original nature with joy and happiness every day.

On New Years day of 2018, humanity entered a new era - The Millennium.This new home for humanity - the New Oasis for Life - is the kingdom of the Greatest Creator that befell the human world. It is a new mode of production and life for people created by Deiform Buddha (Xuefeng) of Lifechanyuan.

Deiform Buddha (Xuefeng) is the messenger of the greatest creator of the universe and the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Lao Tzu, and the angel who has come to reap the “ripe crops”. He is the great spiritual guide of mankind, born in northwest China, whose mission is to preach the Greatest Creator and the way of the Greatest Creator, and to reap the ripe crops,to lead humanity into the new, free, and happy millennium in which “All thoughts and beliefs will be unified into the Greatest Creator's will” and “The whole world will be one family”.

Deiform Buddha (Xuefeng) founded Lifechanyuan and created Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus to reveal the truth of LIFE in the universe and to complement the systematic understanding of the Greatest Creator, Tao, the universe, LIFE, heaven, self-improvement and self-cultivation, humanity, and human life; to integrate faith with science, show the true beauty of the kingdom of heaven and set a path to reach it, compile the essence of humanity’s wisdom into "800 Values for New Era Human Beings", show the path of development for human beings and individuals and reap the ripe crops - Chanyuan Celestials - and lead them toward creating and establishing this new production and life mode successfully.

Lifechanyuan is not a religion or organization, but a beautiful home for the spirits and souls of new era humans. It is the pure land for those who share the same frequency of sincerity, kindness, beauty, and love, and it is not only the teachings inherited from Jesus Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni, but also the final course of humans.

Never since the great flood has the development of human civilization reached a new purification cycle such as this.The long-term destructive development of mankind has caused great sin and evil and is leading, step-by-step, to more and more serious tribulations taking place, but a great purification of souls is also taking place simultaneously.In a decade or so, consciousnesses which are not suitable for this new era will be eliminated, and then people’s traditional production and life modes will be replaced by a new model, and a new civilization era like heaven will begin.

Lifechanyuan is the Noah's Ark for New Era humans. When you come to the home of Lifechanyuan, you will see a brand-new vision of LIFE, your soul will be purified, and your spirit will sublimate; you will have many close friends and dear relatives to share the same resonance of soul, and you will lead a free, sweet, and pure life in the new home. At the end of your journey through the mortal world, your LIFE will be guided into the kingdom of heaven - the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Celestial Islands Continent, to enjoy thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even an eternity of the pleasures of LIFE.

The kingdom of the Greatest Creator has come, the ark of LIFE is sailing, and an unprecedented great change in civilization is taking place. Relatives with ripe spirituality, please listen to this call from your soul: a chilly winter is coming, so come and board the ship quickly to your long-awaited home in paradise.

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