The Cultural Aspects of the Beauty of Lifechanyuan's Community Life


October 9, 2023

Culture is the nourishment of the soul. The kind of culture one is exposed to shapes one’s soul. Ugly culture begets ugly souls, barbaric culture begets barbaric souls, and elegant and civilized culture begets cultured and refined souls. Conversely, ugly souls create ugly culture, noble souls create noble culture, barbaric souls create barbaric culture, and civilized souls create civilized culture.

In the Bible, in the book of Luke, chapters 6, verses 43 and 44, Christ Jesus spoke about the relationship between culture and the soul, saying, "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act." This implies that good culture nurtures good souls, and bad culture influences the development of bad souls. By observing the behavior, speech, and living conditions of a particular ethnic group or population, we can determine whether their culture is barbaric or civilized.

The beauty of life in the Second Home community has been experienced firsthand by hundreds of Chanyuan celestials. Why do Chanyuan celestials love and long for life in the community, even after enduring more than a decade of trials and tribulations, they remain unwavering in their original intentions and unshaken in their faith? The answer lies in the culture of our community, which is noble, refined, profound, and civilized.

Anyone can give it a try: Can you make 100 people from different backgrounds, who are strangers to each other, live together harmoniously, warmly, peacefully, happily, joyfully, freely, and blessedly? This life is free of quarrels, conflicts, complaints, or condemnation. There is no theft, corruption, poverty, or laziness. Each person voluntarily engages in creative labor without any administrative commands or compulsory measures. Can you achieve this?

In our community, we have Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, and even Communist Party members. We have urban professionals and rural folks, entrepreneurs and the impoverished, Ph.D. students and those who never completed elementary school. We have people in their eighties and five or six-year-old children. All these people, with different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and values, have lived together harmoniously for over a decade. They respect and love each other, laugh, and smile every day, living freely and happily. Can't this be taken as irrefutable proof that the culture of the Second Home community is highly civilized?

Our community can be called "the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator," “a replication of heavenly life”, a utopia different from any utopian community in human history, including the "New Harmony Village" founded by Robert Owen in the United States, surpassing it by a hundredfold. The reason is that our community possesses a rich cultural heritage.

Our community can be called "the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator," “a replication of heavenly life”, "a Paradis on Earth," and it can be described as genuine communism (entirely different from what has been discussed and practiced in modern history). Of course, it can also be referred to as a "utopia," but this "utopia" is entirely distinct from any utopian community in human history. It surpasses Owen's "New Harmony" community in the United States by a hundredfold, and the reason for this is our community's rich cultural heritage.

Our community culture not only has universal values but also "universal cosmic values." It means that our culture is suitable for any nationality, religion, political system, and culture on Earth. It is applicable in the vast universe, from hell to heaven, from the celestial world to the Buddhist paradise, from the XYZ world to the -X-Y-Z world.

Our community culture encompasses the teachings of Christ Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni, celestial Laozi, and the prophet Muhammad. It includes rich content in philosophy, science, art, and the humanities. Our community culture provides a clearer and more thorough understanding of time and space. We provide unique explanations and analyses of concepts like "horizontal spacetime." Our culture is down-to-earth, close to human nature, closer to facts, and closer to everyday life. We can rightfully call our culture "Heavenly Culture."

Our community culture is an open system, a transparent system. Anyone on Earth, especially religious masters, political leaders, cultural elites, scientific experts, and philosophical giants, can come and try to refute it. If someone can overturn Chanyuan culture, they are like gods.

Our community culture has nourished Chanyuan celestials, and it can also nourish anyone else. Only those who thoroughly understand Chanyuan culture can be considered true civilized people. Without an understanding of Chanyuan culture, regardless of who you are, you are essentially a primitive person.

The beauty of life in the Second Home community involves cultural, material, emotional, mental, and spiritual factors. In this article, we only discuss the cultural aspect.

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