Lifechanyuan Is the Wonderland for Resonant Souls


Oct 25, 2008

By the will of the Greatest Creator and the guidance and teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni and celestial being Lao Tzu, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), ancient and modern sages at home and abroad, and according to the life mode of the Thousand-year World of Heaven, Lifechanyuan has been built for harvesting "ripe crops", for leaving seeds for next earth human being, and for introducing the Lifechanyuan era to humankind. The term, Chanyuan celestial refers to those angels and celestial beings who have lived in Heaven in a previous life but have gotten lost in this world and cannot find their ways home, to those who have made achievements in practicing Buddhism, the way of Jesus Christ, or the way of celestial, and to others who are humble and relatively perfect and are pursuing the life of Heaven. Chanyuan celestials are born, not cultivated by short-term education; Xuefeng is looking for Chanyuan celestials, NOT creating them.

So, Lifechanyuan is the wonderland for resonant souls, a family full of harmony, auspiciousness, freedom, and happiness, a paradise for those who stick to Lifechanyuan values, a college to sublimate their quality of LIFE and cultivate supernatural powers, and a transfer station for getting rid of worldly fetters and moving toward the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent.

Lifechanyuan is never a place to argue about the truth, an arena for fighting, a platform to show oneself off, a market to sell personal thought, an arena to present personal magic arts and skills, a "Shanghai Beach'' for gaining power, money, fame, or beauty, nor a classroom for showing one’s knowledge and ability to teach other Chanyuan celestials and guests their lessons. It is by no means a place where some are drawn in to squeeze others out, that they might extend their own power. There is no room for discussing and debating here, but only for holding fast to Chanyuan values. If you do not agree with Chanyuan values, you should find a place where you can practice your debating skills; we will not let you talk here, not because we are too autocratic, but because you would be swimming against the tide. Disallowing the promotion of rat poison in a food store is not the fault of the store’s manager, but that of the wholesaler for choosing to market it in the wrong place.

There are only Chanyuan values in Lifechanyuan; no other thoughts should exist here. It is unworkable to publicize your own thoughts in Lifechanyuan because unless they are beyond those of Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao-tzu, Mohammed (PBUH), Xuefeng, and Qiankun celestial, your thoughts are not worthy of our learning. You can say anything about praise, encouragement, reciprocal affection, truth, goodness, beauty, love, honesty, and trust freely; you can move freely and quickly on your thoughts of Chanyuan values. If you have any doubts about life, LIFE, or time and space, do not be afraid to discuss them if you can. If you are in doubt, ask freely, but do not play with your own cleverness or you will be lifting a rock to drop on your own feet.

No matter how many Chanyuan celestials we have, they are all as one person. Take a look at the first Celestials in the early stage of Lifechanyuan, alphabetically:

  • Canghai Celestial

  • Deiform celestial*

  • Foshan Celestial

  • Jiaoer Celestial

  • Penglai Celestial

  • Qiankun Celestial

  • Taiji Celestial

  • Tianshan Celestial

  • Wannian Celestial

They were as one person; could we distinguish among them? These people never held discussion meetings, communicated in private, nor made any offensive or defensive alliances or agreements on offensive and defensive activities; they were not bound to each other and acted as they pleased, but what they did, thought, wished, acted, and presented, were as a single individual. Over the last few years, some people have fanned the flames and tried to divide and disintegrate them, but what has happened? They just swung their axes onto their own feet. Fortunately, this state has continuously fermented and expanded, followed by more and more Chanyuan celestials joining in, they are also like one person. In alphabetical order, they are:

  • Ailian Celestial

  • Conglong Celestial

  • Dongfang Celestial

  • Fahai Celestial

  • Fansheng Celestial

  • Huahui Celestial

  • Huixin Celestial

  • Huiying Celestial

  • Jingying Celestial

  • Lianxin Celestial

  • Lingfeng Celestial

  • Lingxiao Celestial

  • Longgong Celestial

  • Mizong Celestial

  • Puji Celestial

  • Shenfo Celestial

  • Shengming Celestial

  • Shoufo Celestial

  • Songbai Celestial

  • Tiangong Celestial

  • Tianji Celestial

  • Tianhe Celestial

  • Tianshi Celestial

  • Tongtian Celestial

  • Tongxin Celestial

  • Tongyuan Celestial

  • Wanjiang Celestial

  • Wanmin Celestial

  • Wushang Celestial

  • Xianzhe Celestial

  • Yiyun Celestial

  • Zhengjue Celestial

They are just like the formula 1+1+1+1~ = 1. These people can share difficulties, share weal and woe, live and die together, and always remain as close as any family.

  • Is this not the factor of a Great Harmonious world?

  • Is this not the dream of mankind?

  • Is this not the result of practicing according to the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed (PBUH)?

  • Is this not the epitome of the Thousand-year World and the Ten-thousand-year World of Heaven?

  • Is this not the best human expectation?

Of course it is!

  • Are there conflicts among these people?

  • Do they argue?

  • Is there any intrigue?

  • Is there any competition or jealousy?

None at all!

Some have suggested that Lifechanyuan has come to an end, however the fact is not that Lifechanyuan has come to an end, but that they have. Some have said that Chanyuan Celestials are cheated by Xuefeng, however the fact is that they have been fooled by their petty tricks and shortsightedness because any Chanyuan celestial is hundreds if not thousands of times wiser than them. In today’s internet arena with abundant information, who deceives people publicly? They should consider themselves! Some people try painstakingly to awaken Xuefeng and all the Chanyuan Celestials, but they are in fact the ones who are sleeping lethargically, not us. How could they awaken anyone when they are the drowsy ones? They are blind with illusive thoughts and muddled and confused minds, but even if they could, to where would they go next and to where would they take the people who they awakened?

Chanyuan Celestials do not worship Xuefeng as a God, but respect him as an elder brother, as a close friend to whom one can open their heart and communicate with closely, as a friend who can be awakened in the middle of the night to share a drink, and as a playmate with whom you can flirt and tease and pull his nose and ears for entertainment. While those who are fettered by traditional thinking and shackled by religious doctrines raise Xuefeng to the rank of a "God" whom they can attack, this is of their own imagination. They imagine Xuefeng as a God, then they attack him like Don Quixote attacking the wind as his enemy. This is ridiculous; worship and respect are not the same. If we take respect as worship, then there will be gods everywhere. It is only your false accusation that Xuefeng's ambition and behavior of initiating Lifechanyuan represents a desire to become some international overlord in order to garner power, money, and sex. Bees never compete with flies for food and cranes never flock with wild ducks. "How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan?" How can laities guess the wishes of Super Celestial Beings?

In short, Lifechanyuan is a home and paradise for resonant souls, and anyone who resonates with Chanyuan values is a member of this home. You can play games, entertain, and travel throughout your lives together with other Chanyuan celestials. If you cannot resonate with Chanyuan values, then please find a place that you will like, stop indulging yourself and complaining about people and heaven here, stop moaning about being ill and saying that no one understands you in Lifechanyuan, and stop complaining to others.

Last updated