Lifechanyuan Celebrates No Birthdays


April 22, 2007

Celebrating birthdays for babies and the aged is warm, loving, and a pleasant cultural tradition. Therefore, Lifechanyuan does not object to people celebrating those birthdays, however, when young and middle-aged people celebrate their birthdays, especially in a way that is flashy, it is neither tender nor enjoyable, but becomes vulgar and burdensome.

Officials who celebrate their birthdays do so as a form of invisible corruption and business professionals who celebrate theirs do so to flaunt their success and their invited guests to follow the traditional customs.

Lifechanyuan attempts to make life plain and simple, to simplify benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and credibility, and deepen morality; therefore, we do not fuss with birthdays by wasting our time, energy, and material resources to satisfy the temporary vanities of our members. If we want to celebrate any birthdays, we should celebrate our births in Heaven: the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent.

Let us rid ourselves from unnecessary and elaborate formalities!

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