Laziness is a big enemy of Home without Marriage and Family


August 31, 2008

I roughly browse the reasons of the final failure of some ideal communities in history; the result is that all of them are "killed" by laziness. Everyone is busy in seeking enjoyment, reaping the fruit of other's labor or drifting along; as time passes, the building of the ideal homeland collapse.

In order to make Home without Marriage and Family established by us to flourish, grow and enter into the ideal state, we have to learn from the lessons of history; so the NO.1 enemy of homeland is not others but laziness.

It is the long-term strategic target for Home without Marriage and Family to conduct the life-and -death struggle with laziness.

Every member of Home must possess the elementary qualities such as rising up on hearing the crow of a rooster and practicing with the labor tools, getting up at the crack of dawn and cleaning the courtyard, making a firm resolution to make good, constantly striving to become stronger and working hard every day.

Diligence can achieve the good future, and laziness can even ruin the blessing of God. Laziness can destroy everything: it can make one sink into vice, can corrode ones will, spirit, mind and physical body; it can ruin a whole diligent community, influence the healthful spirit of a community just like virus; at last, it makes everything stay in the doldrums, dead as a doornail, depressed, and finally decay to extermination.

Laziness is a kind of virus, is the biggest devil for a man! Once laziness becomes his second nature, he will gradually become a walking corpse and running flesh to harm himself, others and homeland.

Someone summarizes: "The lazy man is bound to be an ordinary man; an ordinary man is bound to be a complaining man; a complaining man is bound to be a painful man; a painful man is bound to be a misfortune man; and a misfortune man is the lazy man. "

"God helps those who help themselves!" "Heaven helps those who help themselves!" Natural law punishes those who are lazy, and heaven will abandon those who are lazy.

Diligence symbolizes beauty, and laziness represents ugliness!

The eight features of laziness are as followings:

1.Seeking no progress but ease and comfort; one is indifferent to anything but prefers reaping the fruits of others.

  1. Irresponsible for anything but prefers loafing, muddling along and eating the bread of idleness.

  2. Stays up late at night and gets up late in morning without regular daily life in a weary state.

  3. Indulging in games with no desire to make progress; one idles about all day and muddles along without any aim.

  4. Sluggish and lazy, and never perfects one's skill but only pursues leisure and fears hardships and fatigue.

  5. Greedy on eating, sleeping and playing with a confusing head and four lazy limbs.

  6. One never participates in anything personally or carries out self-criticizes but prefers complaining, grumbling and criticizing the industrious people.

  7. Sluggish, prefers postponing and performing one's duty in a perfunctory manner with numerous excuses; one finally accomplishes nothing.

"Running water never becomes putrid, and a door-hinge is never worm-eaten;" "excellence in work is possible only with diligence, otherwise everything is ruined in laziness;" once laziness becomes one's second nature, he will "idle away everything into nothing". "If one is diligent, one is skillful in everything, otherwise if one is lazy, he will be accompanied by countless illness;" "The tower of nine storeys rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand miles commenced with a single step."

"A small leak will ruin a big dam;" the beautiful homeland will be ruined in laziness; so Home without Marriage and Family will fight against laziness from beginning to end. For homeland, the laziness is AIDs, cancer, viral dysentery, robbers and devils.

How to carry out the life-and-death fighting with laziness?

  1. The Chanyuan-Celestial equipped with laziness are not allowed to enter into Home without Marriage and Family.

  2. The Chanyuan-Celestial equipped with laziness and remaining impenitent are not allowed to live in Home without Marriage and Family.

  3. Anyone who pities, tolerates and sympathizes with laziness means committing a crime to Home without Marriage and Family.

  4. The lazy guys will be disdained by the others in Home without Marriage and Family.

  5. No one is going to associate with lazy persons.

  6. "One radish, one hole." Do not leave any opportunities for the lazy persons to utilize.

  7. Home without Marriage and Family will regularly organize some community studies to analyze the lazy thoughts, lazy habits, lazy style and lazy psychology; once there is any incipient tendency, we will get rid of it from our thoughts.

  8. We will praise, eulogize diligence and award the highest honor to the diligent people.

Home without Marriage and Family belongs to all Chanyuan-Celestials, and every Chanyuan-Celestial is the owner of Home without Marriage and Family. If someone regards Home without Marriage and Family as hotel or private company and regards himself as migrant job-hunting boy or public servant, he makes a mistake on cognition; if Home without Marriage and Family is regarded as the manor of Xue Feng or the dean, it is an even bigger mistake. Only when each Chanyuan-Celestial regards oneself as the master of the home and perform the duty and obligation of the master, Home without Marriage and Family can flourish and grow; all our ideals can realize in Home without Marriage and Family.

Adam and Eve are forced to leave the Eden because they do not know how to treasure.

The ideal communities in history disappeared under the erosion of laziness because the people do not fulfill their masters' duties and responsibilities.

Whether Home without Marriage and Family can move on continually to the ideal shore depends on the efforts of each Chanyuan-Celestial.

Whether we can survive or die depends on whether we can defeat laziness.

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