Walking on the Path to Heaven


July 28, 2022

Walking on the path to heaven,

This is the most challenging journey in life,

This is a path against human nature.

What the masses do, you must not do,

What the crowd pursues, you must give up,

You cannot marry and settle down,

You cannot possess wealth and riches.

You must be unselfish,

You must transcend the ego,

Thus, you become an outsider,

Your relatives and friends will be annoyed by you,

The government will press you,

The masses will mock you,

Thus, you have no way out.

You can only carve out a path in the desolate thicket,

Only leave footprints on the cliff's edge.

If you are timid,

Never walk this path,

If you fear others' gossip,

Never tread this path,

It's better to go with the flow than against it,

The road to death is the easiest to traverse.

The road to heaven is actually very bitter,

Contrary to worldly values,

Divergent from traditional customs,

Out of sync with the people around you,

In opposition to the forces of self-interest.

Without steadfast faith and belief,

Without the courage and resilience to shake hands with death,

Spittle may drown you,

"Well-intentioned advice" may vex you,

Coercion and temptation may entangle you,

Hardship and adversity may wear you down.

On the road to heaven, one cannot walk alone,

Like grazing animals on the African savanna cannot stray from the herd,

Support is needed in rough terrain,

Assistance is required when energy is lacking.

On the journey to heaven, always keep the divine lamp in your heart lit,

Any doubt or hesitation, one may be tempted by demons,

The greater the hardship, the firmer the faith must be,

Otherwise, you won't complete the journey.

Once embarked on the journey to heaven,

As long as you have unwavering faith and see death as returning home,

You will see the distant view of heaven,

In this way, no matter how difficult or bitter, you will not stop your journey,

As long as you don't live in the present but in the future beauty of heaven,

The journey will turn into a delightful and inspiring adventure,

The closer you get to heaven, the more arduous the journey becomes,

But the joy in your heart is like surging waves,

When the vast changes of the world occur,

Those walking on the road to heaven will have no regrets in life.

Last updated