The Song of Anahim Lake


In the vast, untamed wilderness of Chilcotin, spanning twenty-five thousand square kilometers,

You shine like a radiant sapphire, emitting dazzling light.

You are the resting place for flowing waters,

Where the snowmelt from the Coast Mountains pauses before continuing its journey to the vast Pacific Ocean.

On windless days, you are as still as the void, reflecting all the myriad forms of life,

In gentle breezes, your emerald waves dance like a young girl gracefully twirling,

When fierce winds arise, you roar like a wild stallion, thundering with massive waves,

No wind, gentle breeze, or howling storm—you are ever-changing, boundless like the Dharma.

Nestled in the wilderness, you hold the world’s myriad winds and clouds within your grasp,

Rarely visited by humans, you perceive the transformations of the world with clarity.

Oh, Anahim Lake! You are a miracle on Earth,

A mirror reflecting the past and future of the human realm.

To be by your side is to step into the river of history,

To soar across the stage of time and space.

August 10, 2024

Last updated