Setting Off Again Towards the Sacred Mountain


April 26, 2023

With bloodstains and hearts trembling,

Fourteen years of trekking, tears flowing endlessly.

Each departure brings further devastation,

Black hair turned white, footsteps faltering.

Family bewildered, others mocking, even the government joins in.

The humiliation of being driven from our homeland lingers in our hearts,

What crime have they committed?

None! Pioneers must endure such trials,

Without hardships and dangers, one cannot truly be called a pioneer.

For thousands of years, humanity has not found true happiness,

The footsteps of our ancestors did not lead to heaven,

The few saints among us did not set a precedent,

And the world seeks models in vain.

Chanyuan celestial is fortunate to receive divine revelation,

The image of the Thousand-year World gradually appears before us,

By replicating the civilization of the Thousand-year World, humanity can enter paradise on earth,

The ripe crops will all be gathered into the heavenly granary.

Yet humanity's vision remains confined to three-dimensional space,

Transient desires for wealth and power blind our spiritual eyes,

The entrenched habits of clinging to the past are strong,

They can trample all pioneers underfoot and push them off cliffs.

However, pioneers are pioneers because they carry light in their hearts,

No darkness can obscure the radiance of that light,

The courage of pioneers cannot be stopped,

Even death cannot extinguish the divine light of pioneers.

We set off again towards the sacred mountain, heads held high,

Unafraid of hardships, unafraid of tribulations, we vow to illuminate the world,

Without regrets, without resentment, without attachment, our steps are firm,

The splendor of the Celestials will be spread behind us,

When we reach the summit and look down upon the world,

We will see people below looking up to us in admiration.

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