Love Across Ten Thousand Miles


Jan 23, 2022

Once recalling our first encounter, with flowers blooming, willows dancing, and swans flying over the lake,

Heartbeats like waves, blushing cheeks in shy moments,

Delicate hands brushed against rough ones, like lightning striking,

With a nod and a smile, intoxicated like peach blossoms, you entered my heart.

Once we roamed the Mandarin Duck Lake, where the blue sky was reflected on the lotus leaves and the red lotus flowers,

Playing and laughing together, we stirred up waves of joy,

Autumn water with clear ripples reflecting silver, as if being bathed in the spring breeze.

Vows were made by the sea and mountains, in a drunken haze.

We were once bonded together like glue, but time wrinkled the honey-like sweetness,

Upon parting in Qingzhou, sorrow scattered in different directions,

Longing piled up like green mountains, while meeting become increasingly difficult,

Dreaming of you every day, yet unable to see you, my tears flowed endlessly.

Love spans across ten thousand miles, thoughts woven into threads of sorrow,

Through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, each season weighs heavily on the heart,

Knowing each other is easy, but meeting is difficult, we cherish each other until old age,

Only wishing for the sun and moon to shine forever, until we meet on the Celestial Islands.

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