Harmony of Souls, Wonderful Life


June 19, 2023

"If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day?“

When two hearts are in harmony, even if separated by thousands of miles, there's no need for physical union.

Life presents myriad paths, but the most beautiful is the alignment of souls. Even amidst adversity, even in the most dismal surroundings, even with insurmountable obstacles, even when communication fades into silence, thoughts of the soulmate, distant as they may be, bring immediate sweetness, like rain nourishing parched crops, like light dispelling darkness, like spring thawing frozen mountains of snow. In an instant, life blossoms.

On the path of Chanyuan, during the life in Home, immortal friendships are forged. Tender hearts weave exquisite landscapes. Together, we blend harmoniously; apart, we remain inseparable. " "If you have friends who know your heart, distance cannot keep you apart." True understanding knows no distance; enduring affection transcends all. Who says our pockets are empty? In our hearts lies the universe.

Do you know? You've taken root in my heart. Even if our warmth lasts but a night, it becomes eternal within me. When you offer yourself, I become your shadow. Across the ends of the earth, we journey together, never to part. Pure hearts, pure emotions—these are the most beautiful landscapes in heaven and on earth. A night embraced; love remembered forever.

Perhaps we may never reunite, separated by vast oceans, yet our souls can still commune. Even as our life's journey concludes, we may meet again on the Celestial Islands Continent. Once our celestial bond is forged, it lasts for eternity. I'll eagerly await your arrival.

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