Goddess of the Era — Ode to “Chu Shui Fu Rong”


March 8, 2022

Residing in Australia, radiating her own light,

Poetry abundant, spirit grand, the goddess of the era.

Another gem emerges from Kunlun,

As pure as orchids, with elegant charm, like the lotus emerging from water.

In the subtleties, brilliance abounds, dragon of prose flowing from her tip of pen.

Furrowing the brow, the universe turns, transcending mundane confines.

Emotions flow like a meandering stream, moistening the dry, fertilizing the fields.

Her spirit resides beyond the heavens, elegant and ethereal.

I often see our Lianhua celestial reposting the poetry of Chu Shui Fu Rong. Given that Lianhua celestial holds her in high regard, I surmise that she must be truly excellent. Inspired by her, I penned this poem as a tribute to her.

My hope is for this era to nurture more women who possess independent charisma, ultimately liberating them from any form of oppression and suppression.

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