Michiyo Furuhashi is Lingqiao Celestial


November 22, 2013

Michiyo Furuhashi is a board member of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), the president of GENOA (GEN Oceania & Asia), and the representative of Konohana Family, Japan. She is now also, Lingqiao Celestial.

The meaning of Lingqiao (灵桥) is, the "Spiritual Bridge”, which means she will connect the LIFE-nourishing spirit from the Greatest Creator to more than two thousand ecovillages around the world, and will integrate at least half of them into a big international family, just as Konohana Family in Japan and the Second Home in China did. Human beings will eventually realize this dream where, “The talents will be put to good use, and the whole world will be one family”, as predicted by Zhu Geliang in Ma Qian Ke. (note: Zhu Geliang is a Chinese ancient saint)

Lingqiao (灵桥) is a golden bridge, upon which all ecovillages of the world will walk on the Way of the Greatest Creator and enter into a big beautiful international family.

The warmest congratulations to Michiyo for becoming Lingqiao Celestial of Lifechanyuan!

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