Let the Sacred Lamp in Your Heart Illuminate Your Road in the Dark


November 8, 2020

When you despair and are in extreme darkness, anger and shouting are both useless. It is only by lighting the sacred lamp in your heart that you can illuminate your direction and walk from your mud of despair. The sacred lamp in your heart is your firm belief and faith. If your belief and faith collapse from fear, then you will be swallowed by darkness.

When darkness begins to shroud, if you consider your own gains and losses and give up the belief and faith that you have always adhered to, then you will be in the dark; from then on, your soul will have darkened and it will be a problem for you to wash away that stain. The darker the hour, the more you need to shine; if you wander, hesitate, or even wink at the darkness for self-protection, you might never be able to reenter the light.

Do not approach or surrender to lies, falsehoods, fraud, or hegemony in order to survive; you must adhere to the principle of “taking facts as the basis, and law as the criterion”. Do not listen to the clamor of the media or gossip; even if people all over the world are lying and cheating, it is supported by heads of government around the world, and celebrities and the well-to-do from everywhere are in high spirits for it, you should keep your bottom line and position. If you die, you should die on the way to the purest land instead of living on the “grand road” to hell.

Your strength might be very weak and you might not be able to change the overall situation, but at least you should not become an accomplice of the darkness by shouting for it; in order to survive, you could keep silent, but never collaborate with it. If you do not know the facts, keep silent but do not jump to conclusions based on hearsay, otherwise when the facts eventually surface, you will regret it and be ashamed.

In fact, the light has never been absent, the bank of justice has never closed down, the devil has never defeated God, and the consciences of many people have never vanished. People holding torches advance in succession. Even if it is temporarily shrouded in darkness, you must have the confidence to wait for the day when light will shine across the earth. God looks at everyone’s performance from the sky and is choosing which lives will go to heaven. You must remember this soberly, and do not “do wrong once and you will never hear the end of it”.

You should know that power, material, prestige, media, and public opinion do not represent light. Only those who can make the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment but never seek their own interests represent light. If you do not see the light around you, then become it; this is how you will be glorified and lifted up to heaven and from then on you will never experience death again.

Do not have a flukey mind and think that some of your secrets can be hidden; what we say and do can never be really hidden, not even our innermost thoughts. People cannot see hidden things, but the “Detention Information Space” records everything without omission and God knows every action and thought of all people very well. People can deceive each other, but they can never deceive God. The darkness will pass and the sun will rise again.

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