Everything Just Matches You


November 8, 2020

Your current situation is the manifestation of the quality of your Life. I have observed the states of LIFE on earth, and in heaven and hell, and have found that everything is appropriate, with neither rewards nor punishments, and that what you receive now is what you are pursuing, and is being caused by what you have said and done in the past. “Divine punishments, though slow, are always sure; with big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through”. The law of causality always works perfectly.

Do not ask for anything because it will not be given to you that way. Ultimate Tao cannot be attained by active pursuit. The only feasible way to achieve your wish is to match the quality of your LIFE with the things you aspire to. If you want to go to heaven, then burning incense and kowtowing to worship the Buddha every day, giving master alms of money, real estate, or gifts will not help. Even if you have built many monasteries and preached the scriptures to many people or have gained magical powers through self-cultivation, none of these things will help you to achieve your goal. The Only way to do that is to match the quality of your LIFE with LIFE in heaven. When matched, gods and demons cannot block your way; if not matched, the most noble and authoritative people cannot help you.

Do not resent anyone because you have brought all of those people who you resent to yourself, and resentment can only make your life more miserable. Do not say that the law of heaven is unjust; it is fair, but it is your own heart that is unjust. What one has created will return to themself intact. If you create beauty, then beauty will come back to you; if you create ugliness, then ugliness will stick with you.

If you have not seen the image of heaven clearly, if you do not understand the LIFE state of the LIFE in hell, and if you do not understand the books without words, then do not preach to others. What you preach is nothing more than the principles of being a human being, and those preaching cannot sublimate and ascend people to heaven, so from the perspective of a higher level of LIFE, you are doing evil. The more you preach, the thicker and stronger the evil barriers that you create will become. The theory of flies is never suitable for bees to obey, and the theory of sheep cannot stop the wolf from eating you no matter how profound and correct your theory is.

In the human world, apart from the teachings of Jesus, Shakyamuni, Lao Tzu, Muhammad (PBUH), and Bodhidharma, no one has ever spoken much truth, so if you think that your own quality, wisdom, and spirituality have surpassed gods, Buddhas, and Celestial Beings, you can preach as much as you like; if not, closing your mouth is tantamount to accumulating blessings for yourself. Otherwise, the more you preach, the more harm you will do. Do not defend your wrong words and deeds because the more you defend them, the more unreasonable you will appear.

Never imagine that your wrong words and deeds can be hidden. The hidden things are displayed to their fullest in heaven, which gods see clearly. The only way you can correct them is to Repent, Repent, and Repent more!

Do not expect to get something without paying; if you gain much without paying, please do not be complacent; it is speeding you to hell. If you want to go to heaven without creating beautiful things in this world, I want to tell you that it is your delusion.

You should never forget this story: On the afternoon of August 26, 2016, Yang Gailan poisoned her four young children and then herself. Soon after, her husband followed suit. In light of this story, if you still think that “years of stability are good”, that “my country is amazing”, that the 21st century will be the century of the Chinese people, and still think that the Chinese nation will lead the world, then let me tell you that you are continuing to create Yang Gailan situations; you are the culprit responsible for what happened to her family.

You should think about the helpless and hopelessly poor people in the world every day. If you do not have compassion or mercy and do not want to do something for them, but feel that they deserve what they have and think about yourself all day long, then you are not qualified to enjoy a good life and your soul is not worthy of heaven.

I am warning you again, do not pursue magical power, Qi’gong, magical law, or Taoist magical arts; otherwise, nine out of ten of you will be possessed by the Devil, lose your balance, and become schizophrenic because magical power and Taoist magic arts will corrupt the program of the world.

Let us listen to the teachings of Christ Jesus again: “Those who recognize the world find a walking corpse but those who find the walking corpse transcend the world.”

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