The Way to Protect the Health of Sisters and Brothers in the Second Home


June 21, 2011

The health of sisters and brothers residing in the Second Home has always been matter of concern for me. My purpose is to heal all patients of their diseases and make sure that they don't become sick again.

Is there any miraculous way to achieve this purpose?


There are three ways:

The first is to repent and pray to the Greatest Creator, the second is to maintain a pleasant and happy mood, and the third is to practice Chanyuan setting-up exercise every day.

The current situation of the Second Home: One Chanyuan celestial who was found by medical examination to suffer from cancer more than a year ago has now been basically restored to normal health. A Chanyuan celestial that suffered gallstones is now completely healed, without any surgery. It seems that nothing has happened to him. Another Chanyuan celestial used to be consumed by enteritis, but he is feeling better and better. Several Chanyuan celestials with high blood pressure are now happy with smiles every day. Two elderly people in their eighties worked in the vegetable garden every day, and they also saw wood for the kitchen. Now fewer and fewer Chanyuan celestials get sick.

Although Chanyuan celestials are becoming more and more healthy, there is still a long way to go before we can reach a state that everyone is completely free from illness. However, I am sure that, with this home becoming more and more beautiful and especially with your gardens of soul becoming more and more beautiful, we will surely realize the dream that our sisters and brothers will no longer get sick.

As for the first way, all sisters and brothers who do not feel in good condition or suffer illness are requested to confess and pray to the Greatest Creator according to what I have perceived.

About the second way, I will build the home comprehensively, turning it into a fairyland, where you are happy, joyful, free, and pleasant every day.

As for the third way, since the setting-up exercise of Chanyuan is similar in some aspects to the cultivation of qigong, we are afraid that people in the neighborhood and the government may mistake it for Falungong. So the exercise has been postponed indefinitely. Now the government has had a knowledge of Lifechanyuan, this exercise will be gradually carried out in the home. I have incorporated the content of several kinds of traditional qigong into this body building exercise. Borrowing especially from the cultivation wisdom in “Terrestrial Celestial Sutra", "Five-bird play" created by the famous doctor Huatuo, and some Taoist body building methods, this setting-up exercise mainly focus on the great coordination between thought, breath, and movement. I have practiced it for several years abroad, and found that it has achieved very good results.

In a word, I have taken into consideration the health of every sister and brother. I am making plans and preparations, and I hope that in the near future I can realize the dream that no sister and brother will get sick again.

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