The Contents of Copies of Life in the Thousand-year World


June 8, 2010

Home without Marriage and Family , which is created by Lifechanyuan, is a transfer station from the mortal world to Heaven,the Thousand-year World, and also a transfer base of self-improvement and self-refinement to Heaven, the Ten-thousand-year World, the Elysium Islands Continent. The life in Home without Marriage and Family copies the life style of the Celestial beings in the Thousand-year World and them live according to the life style of the Celestials in the Thousand-year World. It is the basic guarantee for us to achieve the consciousness and quality of Celestial beings in the Thousand-year World and finally reach the Thousand-year World.

The Contents of Copies of life in the Thousand-Year World

1. No marriage, no husband and wife, no family, men and women neither marry, nor are given in marriage

2. Nobody is capable of possessing any private property. Non-possession ownership is practiced. Individual's basic needs are to be met by collective.

3. Each does his best; each takes what he needs.

4. Everybody has his/her tasks and takes corresponding responsibilities. They serve mutually and they owe each other nothing.

5. No leaders but differences in responsibilities in arranging and a director for mediating life and work.

6. Anyone who is able to work must undertake a job, regardless his/her age or gender. No idlers here.

7. Each member participate in the collective learning and recreational activities voluntarily.

8. To keep the environment clean and tidy; everything is orderly, peaceful and warm.

9. There is no constitution, no law, no regulation, no commandment, and no dharma; there is only holographic order.

10. Be collectively responsible for the support of the elderly and the raise and education of the children

11. There is no currency or reward. Everything is done in accordance with the natural instinct.

12. Hold a variety of cultural and recreational activities.

13. No temples, Taoist temples, monastery, churches and idol worship; neither burn incense nor kowtow or offer sacrifices.

14. No witchcraft, magic, martial arts, Taoist magic arts and other superstitious activities.

15. Respect for science and make the full application of science and technology to serve the people.

16. No financial industry, commerce, accounting, courts, lawyers, soldiers, policemen and prison.

17. Be cremated after death, without leaving the ashes, the graves, or memorial places.

18. Do not produce any form of lethal weapons or competitive tools, appliances or toys.

19. No tobacco or cigarettes.

20. Two meals a day. All members take their meals at the canteen.

21.No eating the meat of wild animals, and no eating any animals, including poultry and livestock in the end.

22. Outdoor bathing places, bathrooms, restrooms and toilets can be used regardless of gender.

23. Be free in love and sex. Be free from interference and control as long as they are willing to do this regardless the number of people.

24. There is no conception of father and kinship. The baby will be raised and educated by full-time nursery staffs and institutions after his/her mother's lactation period.

25. All members change their habitats for one time every three years.

26. The global standard of living is basically unified, no luxury, no waste; everyone will be guaranteed for sharing living resources.

27. Each member enjoys a separate bedroom, which is absolutely free from disturbance, supervision and control.

28. Follow the way of the Greatest Creator in an all-round way.

The above is just a basic copy of the content of life in the Thousand-year World, and there left a lot of content and details which will be adjusted and changed according to Lifechanyuan Value that "Dharma sets no rules, it is ever changing; keep the main but change the others according to the situation". Everything will be carried out for everyone's joy, happiness, freedom, and blessedness, and focus on the care for nature, the cherishment of LIFE, the reverence for the Greatest Creator and the sublimation of the quality of life.

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