A Good Upbringing and Self-Cultivation & Self-Restraint are Required in the Second Home


Feb 8, 2017

Upbringing is civilized politeness that is learned from family, school, and society. Self-cultivation is a civilized attitude towards others, which is developed from the level of theory, knowledge, art, thought and other aspects that a person possesses. Self-restraint is the ability, which a person with profound morals possesses to control one's emotions.

We have already talked about upbringing and self-cultivation. This article will focus on the issue of self-restraint.

A person who can't control his emotions is a person who has no self-restraint.

This (pointing out others’ defects and deficiencies) tornado in our home showed me that most of our brothers and sisters have self-restraint, which is mainly reflected in the calmness and humility of accepting suggestions and expressing gratitude when others point out their defects and deficiencies. If others point out our defects and deficiencies, not only will we not accept it, but we will also resist it and defend ourselves. This is a serious lack of self-restraint.

People who lack upbringing will be thought of with disgust, people who lack self-cultivation will be despised, and people who lack self-restraint will be kept at a respectful distance.

Even if the defects and deficiencies that others point out are not in line with the facts, if you defend yourself or resist, or even yell and talk about it everywhere, you are showing no self-restraint. It is clear that you have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, but if you must still accept it with a modest and calm attitude and express your gratitude. That is the expression of profound self-restraint.

We can only sail in deep water, and only when we have self-restraint can people respect us and be willing to walk with us.

How can we have self-restraint?

Set up Mahayana's wish (great vow), follow the ancient and modern saints, do not treat yourself as noble, do not lose your temper, do not bully honest people, do not make fun of others, do not be unreasonable, do not be unforgiving, do not make casual promises, do not impose your will on others, do not cry and shout, do not have loose lips, do not shut yourself up, do not ask for help easily, do not make trouble without a reason, do not interrupt others casually, do not always teach others, do not behave badly, do not act grumpily, do not look sloppy and messy, and do not hurt people with words.

The future New Oasis for LIFE will no longer be like the original Second Home. You cannot stay long without a good upbringing, self-cultivation, and self-restraint. Please make the effort.

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