Refuting Zhu Yunchuan’s Comments


June 27, 2019

1. Lifechanyuan’s purpose is to “walk the way of the Greatest Creator”, but this does not mean that it “belongs to the line of Christianity”. Christianity cannot unify the world and what we call the Greatest Creator here with eight features is not the same as the God known by Christianity.

2. The desire for freedom is human nature. The male and female sexes are natural attributes given to us by the Greatest Creator. Families are created by people but they go on to prevent people from enjoying freedom and have a multitude of drawbacks. People recognize this generally and are searching for new ways of life in their progress toward civilization.

3. “Mysticism” is not suitable for use here because everything in Lifechanyuan is clear and plain with nothing mysterious. “Theocratic oppression” is from feudal society, but the author’s expression is irrelevant. What the author called “theocratic oppression” in feudal society is not true theocracy. Gods are the real level of existence, second only to the Greatest Creator, and they are the advanced lives who manage the universe. They have certain powers, but never “oppress” Lives. Your so-called “theocratic oppression” is caused by people’s ignorance and feudal rule. Lifechanyuan’s New Oasis for Life is a brand-new communist life model with no exploitation or oppression, so what the author said is inconsistent with the facts.

4. “True human nature” conflicts with “family building”. Families suppress humanity; everyone lives for their families; how many will care for their “moral obligations”? “Extreme selfishness for personal enjoyment” is the exact, true portrayal of people in families. They always say “my home”, “my spouse”, and “my child”. “My” everything is first and foremost, while “yours” and “theirs” are less important. This is the freedom that the author talks about, but where is the freedom when these are all owned by individuals?

5. “One person monopolizes so many “beauties'', so how could other bachelor men stand for it? It would be strange if they were not envious, hateful, and desperately opposed to them”. This does not match the facts. Since the New Oasis for Life applies communism, there is no “exclusivity”. The author does not understand the culture of Lifechanyuan, “no investigation; no right to speak”! Please investigate first and then speak cautiously.

There is much more that I want to say, but let us first talk about these things.

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