Is “Sexual Liberation” Wrong? A Logical Dialectic


November 12, 2022

Lifechanyuan has been labeled a “cult” for advocating sexual liberation and freedom. Bodhidharma, the patriarch of Zen Buddhism, clearly instructed in “The Bloodstream Sermon”: “Nature (Sex) is Buddha.” Based on the patriarch’s revered interpretation, the logical deduction is that “sexual liberation“ and “sexual freedom” are “liberation of the Buddha-nature” and “freedom of the Buddha-nature,” and further inference is the liberation of Buddha, setting Buddha free.

Has setting Buddha free become a cult? Do those who chant, study, and practice Buddha dare to say that “sexual liberation” and “sexual freedom” are evil?

The antonyms of “liberation” are “oppression,” “enslavement,” and “abuse.” If one opposes “sexual liberation,” then it can only be “sexual oppression,” “sexual enslavement,” and “sexual abuse.” From this, it can be understood that those who suppress “sexual liberation” have a sinister intention; their goal is to implement “sexual oppression,” “sexual enslavement,” and “sexual abuse,” which in essence is “Buddha oppressing,” “Buddha enslaving,” and “Buddha abuse.” That is, oppressing Buddha, enslaving Buddha, abuse Buddha.

The antonyms of “freedom” are “shackles,” “restriction,” “enslavement,” and “binding.” Opposing “sexual freedom” means to “shackle sex,” “control sex,” “restrict sex,” “enslave sex,” “bind sex.” Since “sex is Buddha,” it is known that the ultimate goal of suppressing “sexual freedom” is to “shackle Buddha,” “control Buddha,” “restrict Buddha,” “enslave Buddha,” “bind Buddha.”

Buddhism speaks of “Enlighten the mind and see the nature, upon seeing the nature, one becomes a Buddha.” Can one see the nature if sex is oppressed, controlled, shackled, bound, enslaved, abused, and trampled upon?

Not to mention “sex is Buddha,” just speaking of human nature, if human nature is not liberated, not set free, but instead oppressed, bound, shackled, enslaved, trampled, and abused, is this still the act of a human? Is this a human value? Or is it the value and practice of a demon?

From this perspective, is Lifechanyuan’s advocacy of “sexual liberation” and “sexual freedom” still evil?

Who is truly evil? You or Lifechanyuan?

Last updated