The Latest Scientific Study Proves the Existence of Celestial Beings


Aug. 2, 2017

New Oasis for LIFE August 2 News: On July 20, Yang Zhenning’s disciple Zhang Shousheng and his team published a paper in the journal Science, confirming the first discovery of chiral Majorana fermions and named them “angel particles”, which ended a whole 80 years of the laborious pursuit of this particle in physics.

Zhang Shousheng: A particle is equal to its own antiparticle, and translated into a mathematical formula, it is equivalent to 1=-1. We then move -1 to the left, which means that 2=0.

When I was exploring space, I discovered the Celestial Islands Continent. The "people" living on the Celestial Islands Continent are Celestial Beings. When I introduced the features of Celestial Beings, I told you that Celestial Beings are a form of "self-harmony". The so-called self-harmony is the combination of yin and yang, or it can be said that the Celestial Beings have both male and female characteristics. They are androgynous, and this is just like a "Tai Ji Diagram". Why is there such a life phenomenon? This involves the "Elysium World" in Buddhism. Buddha Shakyamuni wanted to lead people to the "Elysium World". So, what is "Elysium" and what is the "Elysium World"?

The so-called "Elysium" means being in extreme happiness, a bit like men and women having sex and reaching orgasm and being in a state of orgasm forever. "Elysium World" is the time and space where LIFE of an eternal state of bliss lives. The Celestial Islands Continent is part of the Elysium World.

Then how can a LIFE reach the state of eternal bliss? The answer is: only by self-harmony. Self-harmony is the kingdom of freedom. Any LIFE that cannot reach the state of self-harmony is not free because you must exchange energy with the surrounding world. Once a LIFE needs external factors to survive, then this life cannot be free. For example, people need 64 external factors to survive. Without any one of the 64 factors, people cannot survive and continue to exist.

When I introduced the self-harmony phenomenon of the Celestial Being, most people thought it was impossible and thought it was made up by me. Now, with the latest scientific achievement, the "angel particles", it proves the existence of Celestial Beings.

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