Another Glance at the Thousand-Year World


Jan. 18, 2010

Lush Highland's male celestial Kin and female celestial Meda came to Butterfly Peak of Lotus Mountain to live with twenty-nine other celestials. This is a tradition that has formed in the Thousand-Year World, with frequent personnel movement. The Thousand-Year world is ten times larger than the Earth, with nearly two million villages. The most populous village has about three hundred people, while the least has nearly thirty. The population of each village is not fixed but transient. In other words, after Kin and Meda came to Butterfly Peak, they would not return to Lush Highland but instead stay to live on Butterfly Peak. Meanwhile, Hye and Horry, the two female celestials living on Butterfly Peak, have been there for more than twenty years, after having discussed with Ray decided to go to Seven Fragrances Garden of Crane Ridge, on Cloud-piercing Mountain Range, which is one hundred and fifty kilometers away.

The Cloud-piercing Mountain Range is one of the five continuous mountain ranges in the Thousand-Year World, starting from the Silver Wave Sea (Lake) and ending at the Biyin River. It stretches for more than eighty thousand kilometers, with the highest peak, Qingtian Peak, about forty-three thousand meters high. It is the highest peak in the Thousand-Year World. Crane Ridge is a mountain ridge in the middle of the Cloud-piercing Mountain Range. On this ridge, peaks are layered and colored clouds swirl around them. The area covers more than 120 square kilometers, with mountains within mountains and peaks on top of peaks. It is tall and steep, with a variety of shapes, and the mist and clouds linger, creating endless charm. Crane Ridge is close to the vastest Yuecang Lake in the Thousand-Year World. Cranes often gather here to eat and play before flying to Crane Ridge to roost. Therefore, this ridge is called Crane Ridge.

Seven Fragrances Garden is a village under Crane Ridge. There are seven fragrances here: the first from pearl stone, the second from Heavenly Fragrance grass, the third from Laituoman flower, the fourth from Purple Osmanthus Tree, the fifth from heart-penetrating springs, the sixth from longevity fruit, and the seventh from fragrant winds. These seven fragrances are continuously emitted throughout the year, nourishing the appearance, spirit, heart, and body.

On this day, Hye, who was wearing a green silk dress and was slender and beautiful at over 360 years old, and Horry, who was wearing a yellow long dress and was plump and charming at over 450 years old, came to the Farewell Bridge with a small bundle containing a set of spare clothes. All the celestials from Butterfly Peak, including Kin and Meda, gathered at the Farewell Bridge to bid them farewell. Because this kind of separation in the Thousand-year World is almost forever, it is difficult to reunite after parting, so everyone was reluctant to part, hugging each other with tears in their eyes. Hye choked and said, "Three hundred miles away, I must reluctantly part with my loved ones. We have been in love for twenty years, and our love will forever be engraved in my heart." Horry wept and said, “For twenty years we have been together, our affection and cherished memories shining brightly. As we depart for Seven Fragrances Garden, I can only meet you in my dreams.”

Handsome Sangge, representing all male celestials of Butterfly Peak, held Hye and Horry's hands and tearfully said, “We recall the many lingering moments and boundless love we've shared. As we part, leaving behind the empty pavilion, when will we meet again? Our affection is like a range of mountains, and our love is like water within water. We can only often look at the swallows flying back and forth, comforting our yearning for one another.”

Stunning Jiaoyu, representing all the female celestials, embraced Hye and Horry, weeping and saying, “Our sisterly bond runs deep, and our love and joy were once so warm and delightful. With each passing year, the mountains remain verdant, and the seasons change. Though we part, our blessings will be with you every day.”

As celestials were reluctant to part and Hye and Horry were struggling to leave, Ray put on a brave face and sang a farewell song: “Do not grieve or linger, for everywhere beyond the horizon, green grass and blue skies abound. Amidst thousands of rivers and mountains, there are always our love. Joys and sorrows all have great value. Do not shed a tear; please embark on your journey. Your reputation precedes you throughout the world, and your loved ones from afar await your arrival. Do not miss out on the bright opportunities that lie ahead.”

After that, Ray gently pushed Hye and Horry forward, and the male and female celestials bid them farewell with tears in their eyes. Hye and Horry, with their eyes blurred with tears, turned back at every step, gradually becoming more and more distant. As Hye and Horry walked past the melon garden, over the stone bridge, through the meadow, up the fragrant grassy slope, and into the mulberry grove, they continued to wave goodbye. Until Hye and Horry's figures disappeared into the forest of mulberry trees, they just left the farewell bridge silently.

This is exactly: Throughout history, the pain of separation has always been felt deeply by those in love, yet it is affection that brings both joy and sorrow.

After traversing the mulberry forest, they reached an open field blanketed with low-lying flowers and grasses, resembling a grassland. The area was adorned with stipa grandis, rhododendrons, boxwoods, sand junipers, prostrate junipers, forsythia, primroses, roses, brambles, jasmines, sand willows, yellow thorn plums, lilacs, flowering plums, cherry blossoms, Leymus chinensis, rough grass, fennel beans, wild peas, sea buckthorns, ice grass, bupleurum, astragalus, wormwood, silver roses, thyme, pale purple delphiniums, bright red Morningstar lilies, clusters of pink phoenix hair, sand ginseng with funnel-like flowers, Sword-leaved iris with small purple flowers, Threadleaf Coreopsis with small yellow flowers, and more, all in full bloom, delighting the eye and refreshing the soul. The anticipation of meeting nearly three hundred male and female celestials at Seven Fragrances Garden swept away any lingering sadness from Hye and Horry's previous parting. They happily danced like two little girls or two large butterflies. They ran, twirled, shouted, and cheered, carrying their small bundles as they traversed the open field. After a while, they arrived at a small stream originating from Lotus Mountain. They followed the clear and flowing stream for about a whole day on Earth, until they saw Grace River, which sparkled and flowed gently. The two celestials were a bit tired, so they sat on the green stones by the stream and rested for a while. After a short break, they felt a bit hungry, so they started looking for food around them. Near the stream, there was a sparse forest. When they came to the forest, they found several chestnut trees. The chestnuts were hanging from the branches, many of the shells had cracked open, revealing the golden chestnuts inside. They were easy to pick, and the two celestials peeled and ate more than ten of them, feeling slightly full. After quenching their thirst by cupping their hands to drink water from the stream, they felt refreshed and continued their journey forward.

Here, I need to mention that when Hye and Horry departed from Butterfly Peak, they didn't bring anything with them except for a set of clean clothes. Why? Because there was food everywhere in the Thousand-year World. Fruits produced by plants were abundant and could be found everywhere. In addition to the common fruits on Earth, such as peaches, apricots, pears, avocados, Guava, nanas, apples, Winter Fruit Pear, grapes, bananas, lemons, oranges, mangoes, grapefruits, persimmons, pomegranates, tangerines, walnuts, olives, Olea europaea, pineapples, papayas, Coconut dates, red dates, big leaf dates, cactus fruits, passion fruits, dragon fruits, chestnuts, lychees, longans, wax apples, chempedak, Buddha's hand fruits, Egg yolk fruit, betel nut, rambutan, emperor banana, virgin fruit, figs, coconuts, haws, plums, kiwifruits, water chestnuts, water caltrops, cherries, ginkgo nuts, strawberries, raspberries, durians, loquats, pistachios, crab apple, sapodilla, milk fruit, red bayberry, monkey-bread, Starfruit, Asian pear, watermelons, honeydew melon, cantaloupes, muskmelons, pumpkins, radish, peanuts, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots, there were also unique fruits in the Thousand-year World, such as milk grapefruit, nourishing orchid, five-fragrances orange, eight-treasure ginseng, flower bud milk fruit, drunken heart leaves, sand lotus, and three fairy melons. Because the food was abundant in the Thousand-year World and the ripening period of the fruits was long, for example, if peaches on Earth were not picked or eaten within a few days after they were ripe, they would rot. However, the fruits in the Thousand-year World would not rot for about half a year after they were ripe and would still be fresh. Therefore, there was abundant food everywhere in the Thousand-year World, and one did not need to worry about not having anything to eat.

Furthermore, there are no carnivorous animals in the Thousand-year World, such as tigers, leopards, jackals, or wolves. There are no crocodiles, poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, mosquitoes, or flies that can harm people. Therefore, no matter where you live or go, it is very safe. Also, the Thousand-year World is basically at a constant temperature, with no strong winds, heavy rain, or nighttime, so there is no need to prepare extra warm or cool clothing.

Unexpectedly to humans on Earth, the celestial beings of the Thousand-year World can go without sleep for seven to eight consecutive days when necessary. It's similar to some migratory birds on Earth like the Arctic Tern, Blackpoll Warbler, European White Stork, New Zealand Long-tailed Cuckoo, and the sea gulls of the Isle of Man, who can fly continuously for several days without resting during their long-distance migration. The special climate, environment, diet, and lifestyle of the Thousand-year World have created a unique physiological structure for the celestial beings, just like how women in the Thousand-year World have their menstrual cycle every three to four months (Earth time) instead of once a month like on Earth. Therefore, Hye and Horry, on their way from Butterfly Peak to Seven Fragrances Garden which is 150 kilometers away, did not need to stay at hotels or dine at restaurants along the way.

Hye and Horry followed a stream and arrived at the Grace River because the stream flowed into it. The Grace River originates from the Kasyramaya Mountains, flows into the Ripple Lake, and has a total length of over 23,000 kilometers. It is wide and clear, with a gentle current. Hye said to Horry, "Sister, the terrain ahead seems rugged and difficult to walk on. Shall we take the water route?" Horry readily agreed, "Okay, my dear sister." So, the two celestials began to swim down the river. In the Thousand-year World, there are ten big rivers and numerous lakes and around 100,000 small rivers, so the male and female celestials all have been swimming since childhood and are all skilled swimmers. Their clothes are mainly made of silk, thin as cicada wings, so Hye and Horry didn't take off their clothes, only wrapped their small bundle around their waist, and entered the Grace River to drift downstream. It was like drifting clouds driven by the wind, and they felt as if they were being caressed by thousands of hands. The green hills on both sides raced behind them, and several rows of white egrets flew over their heads. The two celestials played in the water like fish, and in half a day, they had already swum out more than 30 miles. The red plateau was not far ahead, and Hye suggested, "Sister, let's get ashore and walk on the red plateau, and let's grab something to eat along the way." Horry happily agreed, "I'll do whatever my dear sister says."

Two celestials landed on shore and wrung out the water from their bundles with their hands. They climbed up the red clay slope and reached the top of the hill, where they had a broad view of the wild and magnificent scenery. There were forests of Altingia chinensis, alpine pine, larch, long-leaf pine, blue pine, hemlock, cold fir, spruce, unicorn leaves, Lipstick Plant, highland oak, birch, alder, poplar, and cypress, among which were bushes such as small artemisia, purple needlegrass, sand-binding grass, camelthorn, fruit-bearing ephedra, sympegma regelii, Tumbleweed, sand needlegrass, bush cinquefoil, sheep fescue, alpine knotweed, rhododendron shrubs, clubmoss, red sand willow, roundhead smartweed, Chinese pearly everlasting, Chinese cinquefoil, dark brown sedge, Marsh Marigold, kidney-leaved groundsel, cushion catmint, thyme-leaved sandwort, fairy's snow, snow lotus flower, shining needlegrass, saxaul, Great Burnet, and other plants. Pheasants, Ring-necked Pheasants, Yellow Pheasants, Peacocks, Chukar partridge, Parrots, Collared Doves, Quails, and other birds are running around among them. As they wandered through this diverse flora, they kept an eye out for raspberries and eventually found a few bright, translucent red fruits. They stood next to the small bush and picked and ate them. After finishing, they continued their winding journey through the sparsely wooded mountain slope. Unaware of how long they had been walking, they eventually crossed the red plateau and entered the Sangnajier grassland.

The Sangnajier grassland was vast, covering an area of more than 200 square kilometers. After crossing the grassland and a canyon, they were close to Crane Ridge, which was equivalent to arriving at Seven Fragrances Garden.

Horry said, “Sister, I'm a little tired. Let's rest here for a while," looking a little exhausted.

"Okay! Let me hold you and lie down for a while," replied Hye. The two celestial sisters lay down on the soft grassland, and Horry snuggled up to Hye, facing each other. After a while, they fell asleep.

Clip-clop! The sound of horse hooves approached closer and closer.

Hye and Horry woke up at the same time, sat up, and looked around. They saw four horses galloping a few hundred meters away - one chestnut-red, one black, one pure white, and one black and white. Each horse was ridden by a handsome man who was racing and chasing. Hye and Horry stood up quickly, waved their arms, and shouted, "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The horsemen heard the shouting and galloped towards Hye and Horry. They arrived in the blink of an eye and circled around Hye and Horry. Then, the four men dismounted, and one of them named Dayue eagerly asked, "Where are you two from? Where are you going? What are your names? Do you need our help?"

Hye excitedly replied, "My name is Hye, and her name is Horry. We came from the Butterfly Peak in Lotus Mountain, and we are going to Seven Fragrances Garden. How about you? Where are you from?"

One of the four, Dayue, added, "We are from Seven Fragrances Garden. He is Raji, Gaxiu, Fubo, and I am Dayue. We are racing horses. Welcome to stay in Seven Fragrances Garden."

Raji said, "Fubo and I will go and inform all the celestials in Seven Fragrances Garden that you have arrived. Gaxiu and Dayue will take care of you two." After saying that, Raji and Fubo mounted their horses and galloped away in a flash.

Everyone watched Raji and Fubo disappear, and the sharp-featured and well-built Dayue couldn't help but say to Hye and Horry, "Welcome to Seven Fragrances Garden, two celestial sisters. I am Dayue, and I warmly welcome you. I would like to be a swift horse for you to ride, and a spring pool for you to bathe in."

Gaxiu, with a handsome and graceful face, couldn't wait to flatter and said, "Brother is born for younger sister, and I will fulfill her every wish. From now on, we will gather at the Seven Fragrances Garden, and I will serve you under your skirt every day."

Hye affectionately touched Gaxiu's face and said with a smile, "The little baby is so obedient. After we arrive at the Seven Fragrances Garden, I will give you a chance every day to wash my fragrant feet." As she spoke, she laughed merrily.

Horry asked Dayue with a smile, "Are you a good boy? If you are, then you can lie down and smell my feet under my skirt."

Dayue immediately knelt in front of Horry and tried to smell her feet. Horry pulled him up and kissed his forehead affectionately and said, "You are really a good boy. From now on, sister will give you a chance every day to wash my butt." She burst into laughter, and Gaxiu and Dayue also joined in laughter. Their relaxed and pleasant laughter echoed across the Sangnajier grassland. The sky and the earth were so vast and pure, and nature was so harmonious and auspicious. It was beautiful!

Before Horry finished laughing, clever Dayue picked her up and placed her on the red horse. He handed her the reins and climbed onto the horse behind her. Gaxiu followed suit and lifted Hye onto the black horse. The four of them slowly rode towards the Seven Fragrances Garden.

"Colorful clouds float above Crane Ridge, and phoenixes grace the Seven Fragrances Garden. Auspiciousness permeates the celestial realm, promising everlasting happiness," sang Dayue energetically.

"Ascend into the vibrant clouds and behold! The Thousand-year World, our homeland, lies all around. Graceful in body and mind, our souls soar freely. We offer thanks to heaven, earth, and the Greatest Creator," Horry sang in harmony.

"Clouds flying, water flowing, celestial cranes dancing, and flowers exuding fragrance. Brothers lead sisters back to their homeland, hearts and spirits intoxicated with joy. The melody of happiness resounds throughout the journey," Gaxiu sang along.

"Light steps, minds and bodies brimming with vitality. It's akin to a dream, entering a fantasy realm. Where green mountains and clear waters harmonize, waves gently ripple, and mandarin ducks frolic. Every corner of the homeland teems with delight," Hye joined in the song.

As they walked, conversed, and sang, they soon departed the Sangnajier grasslands, reaching the Wind Singing Canyon. Towering rocks and peaks adorned the canyon, while exotic flowers bloomed in profusion. Every breeze produced a melodious resonance, echoing through the valley. The winding path ahead was challenging, prompting Dayue's suggestion to let the horses run. Horry and Hye tightened their grips on the reins, urging the chestnut-red and black horses, resembling fairytale creatures, to gallop. Dayue and Gaxiu embraced Horry and Hye tightly from behind. The rhythmic movement and the warmth of their embrace stirred a sense of relaxation and comfort, signaling the onset of estrus," amidst this enchanting ambiance reminiscent of an impending storm. The four celestials remained silent, not knowing how much time had passed until they emerged from the canyon, spotting a group of horses galloping toward them. It was Raji and Fubo, leading villagers from Seven Fragrances Garden to greet them.

"Hey! We're here!" Dayue shouted loudly, and the two horses carried the four celestials forward to meet the group of celestials. When they were still more than a hundred meters away from the horse herd, Raji, who was sitting on a pure white horse, shouted loudly, "Everyone, line up to welcome them!" The group of celestials shook their reins, and instantly more than thirty horses formed a line in a formation. The chestnut-red and black horses, with Dayue, Horry, and Gaxiu riding them, rushed to the front of the line. They lifted their hooves, approached, neighed a few times, and then stopped. It could be heard, the group of celestials shouting in unison, "Welcome the distant celestials to Seven Fragrances Garden!"

Horry and Hye, sitting on their horses, bent down and clasped fists to salute everyone, saying, "Thank you all for coming to meet us. We greet and salute all the brothers and sisters of Seven Fragrances Garden!"

"Let's go!" Raji shouted, leading the way towards Seven Fragrances Garden, and the others followed suit. The horses Hye and Horry rode were among the group, and everyone rode together in high spirits and excitement, arriving at Seven Fragrances Garden in no time.

Seven Fragrances Garden is located at the foot of Crane Ridge in the Cloud-piercing Mountains. Nearly 300 celestial mansions were built along the mountainside, with peach and apricot fairy trees mixed in between, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants. The sunny and beautiful scenery is adorned with auspicious signs and a warm atmosphere brought by hundreds of birds. Everyone gathered around Hye and Horry and arrived at the Welcome Celestials Garden of Seven Fragrances Garden. They served up the delicious liquor nourishing juice of the Thousand-year World, picked the unique eight treasures Jinseng fruit and flower buds milk fruit of the Thousand-year World. The respected Bajian of Seven Fragrances Garden welcomed them and said, "Thanks to the Greatest Creator for HIS kindness, and for bestowing the arrival of Hye and Horry at Seven Fragrances Garden. To express our welcome to Hye and Horry, we will hold entertainment activities for three days, with the following projects: 1. Singing and dancing in the Welcome Celestials Garden; 2. Visiting Crane Ridge together; 3. Boating in the Lake Bay; 4. Poetry competition in the Hundred-Fruits Orchard; 5. Exhibition of skills and craftsmanship; 6. Performance in the Joyful Square; 7. Guessing riddles and telling stories; 8. Sermon in Sublimation Garden. Now, let Dayue and Gaxiu take Hye and Horry to their respective celestial mansions to rest for a while, and then everyone can gather at the Welcome Celestial Garden to sing and dance with joy."

It should be noted that not long ago, two male celestials, Mudan and Cijia, and two female celestials, Yuyao and Qinyi, left Seven Fragrances Garden to live in Gouard Island, 300 kilometers away. The celestial mansions where Horry and Hye will reside in Seven Fragrances Garden are the places where Yuyao and Qinyi used to live.

Dayue led Horry, and Gaxiu led Hye. The four celestial girls of Seven Fragrances Garden, Budi, Suolan, Yilong, and Weijie, accompanied them to the Heart Penetrating Spring. The Heart Penetrating Spring is located in the embrace of Seven Star Rock and is a hot spring in Seven Fragrances Garden. The water of the spring is clear and pure, and the temperature of the water is suitable. The water vapor emits a fantastic fragrance. The spring looks like a small mirror lake. There is a thick layer of clean sand around the spring, and the bottom of the spring is covered with colorful pebbles. From the edge to the center, it gradually deepens, and the central part of the spring is several meters deep, which can accommodate forty to fifty celestials bathing at the same time. The eight celestials came to the edge of the spring, and Budi and Suolan took care of Horry, while Yilong and Weijie helped Hye. The six celestial girls stripped naked and walked into the lake. They played in the water for a while before standing at the edge of the water. At this time, Dayue and Gaxiu respectively picked several Green Fragrant leaves, which are wide and soft, supple, and strong, like a bath towel used for bathing in the mortal world. Dayue and Gaxiu handed a few pieces of Green Fragrant leaves to Budi, Suolan, Yilong, and Weijie respectively. Then the four fairies gently washed Horry and Hye's bodies respectively. Dayue and Gaxiu sat on the sandy beach by the spring lake, enjoying the graceful and charming figures of the six celestial girls. A wave of warm and happy feelings overflowed throughout their bodies. Horry and Hye were being touched all over by the four celestial girls. Along with being hugged by Dayue and Gaxiu while riding on horseback on their way to Seven Fragrances Garden, the bouncing and friction of the horseback against their genitals sparks an unusual sense of youthful restlessness, Horry and Hye gradually became hot. This sensation served as a prelude to the impending eruption of the four-month-long pent-up youthful surge within their bodies.

After their baths, Budi and Suolan escorted Horry to Yuyao's former celestial mansion, while Yilong and Weijie led Hye to Qinyi's previous dwelling. Yuyao's celestial abode rested upon a flat expanse halfway up Crane Ridge, surrounded by lush green bamboo, fragrant blossoms, and the melodious chirping of birds. The scenery was breathtaking, the space bright and expansive. Standing within the courtyard offered a panoramic view, truly refreshing to the spirit. Upon entering the room, Horry was greeted by a fragrant ambience, immaculately clean and pristine. Light blue silk curtains swayed gently in the breeze, while a large bamboo bed was adorned with fragrant grass mats. The lotus root pillow, in a soothing milky yellow, were just the right blend of softness and support. At the foot of the bed, a neatly arranged quilt made from Celestial Petals awaited, while a bamboo tea table before the bamboo lounge chairs held an array of unique fruits exclusive to the Thousand-Year World. These fruits, including milk juice pomelo, nourishing orchid, five-fragrance orange, eight-treasure ginseng, flower bud fruit milk, drunken heart leaves, sand lotus root, and three fairy melon, were handpicked by a dozen celestial beings such as Raji, Fubo, and others, as a gesture of hospitality during Horry and Hye's bath at the Heart Penetrating Spring. Horry indulged in some milk juice from the pomelo and a few bites of flower bud fruit before retiring to bed. Budi and Suolan tenderly tucked her in, gently caressing and patting her until she drifted off to sleep.

Singing and dancing in the Welcome Celestial Garden

Horry and Hye awoke refreshed and invigorated, already awaited by Budi and Suolan in the small courtyard, while Yilong and Weijie had kept watch for Hye in her room. After grooming themselves, they each savored a bamboo cup of nourishing juice prepared by the female celestials—a blend of honey, sweet spring water, green fragrant leaves, hundred flower stamens, energy stones, eight-treasure ginseng, longevity roots, wolfberries, red dates, and fairy fruit. This elixir, reminiscent of both wine and juice, left them feeling clear-headed and revitalized. They also enjoyed some three fairy melons before making their way through the winding paths of the forest and flower trails to the Welcome Celestial Garden. This enchanting garden resembled a miniature basin, surrounded by gradually rising terrain with a flat expanse in the center, ideal for accommodating the three hundred celestial beings who could sing and dance simultaneously. As Horry and Hye entered the garden, nearly three hundred residents of Seven Fragrances Garden were already seated, eagerly anticipating their arrival. Upon seeing them, everyone stood up and shouted in unison, "Horry and Hye are great!" The whole venue erupted with joyful cheers, vibrant and lively, as if celebrating a festival.

The singing and dancing welcome party was hosted by the talented female celestial Yayao and the male celestial Yejun of Seven Fragrances Garden. Yayao, over 400 years old, possessed a graceful figure and beauty akin to a Super Celestial Being. Her body boasted elegant curves, and her demeanor exuded charm. With a lively and flirtatious personality, she was adored by all the celestial beings of Seven Fragrances Garden. Yejun, over 300 years old, sported thick eyebrows and large eyes, along with fine, tender skin and a well-proportioned physique. His features were distinct, and his voice resonated powerfully when he spoke. His dancing was as fluid as water, as enchanting as magic, and as ethereal as a fairy's. His personality was rough yet refined and delicate, particularly in the expressive depths of his eyes, which held a myriad of emotions and infinite allure, capable of captivating the hearts and souls of others.

Yayao took the lead with a voice as clear as a silver bell, "Hye and Horry have descended to earth, and Seven Fragrances Garden is aglow with radiance. All celestial beings will showcase songs and dances to express our gratitude to the Greatest Creator for orchestrating such a splendid event. A thousand miles of mountains and rivers brimming with joy, ten thousand miles of sky adorned with auspicious signs, let us sing of the joys of life and dance with celestial sentiments."

Yejun then continued, "The song and dance party welcoming Hye and Horry will proceed in the following order:

  1. Cijie's Solo: "Gazing into Your Heart."

  2. Meti's Solo Dance: "Intoxicated Blossoms of Seven Fragrances Garden"

  3. Yayao and I’s Duet Dance: "Ascending the Hill Together."

  4. Raji and Daiyao's Duet: "Who Stole My Heart"

  5. Gandhi, Baxia, Youji, and Huazi's Flute Ensemble: "Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix"

  6. Suolan, Xingdi, Yueer, and Kasang's Panpipe Quartet: "Serenading the Heartland"

  7. Gaxiu, Weihe, Dayue, Lunbei, Liucui, Zhuoma, Lanbi, and Xianlun's Group Dance: "Joyous Savannas of Sangnajier"

  8. ...

  9. All of Seven Fragrances Garden's Residents: "Flight of Love"

"Let us begin with Cijie's rendition of 'Gazing into Your Heart,'" Yejun announced, as the striking figure of Cijie rose from amidst the celestial assembly, his deep and melodious voice filling the air.

"I gaze into your heart,

Where deep affection binds me to you.

Do you recall our love atop the hill, where the breeze, intoxicated, carried fragrances?

Violets bloomed in our midst,

While flocks of cranes soared above.

Hand in hand, we descended the hill,

As mountains danced and Lancang rivers sang for us.

I gaze into your heart,

Where memories of our love linger.

Unable to forget our cherished moments,

Our love flows like the eternal Sangna River.

As trumpet creepers bloom once more,

My beloved, where do you reside?

Birds traverse the sky, and clouds drift by,

As flowers emit fragrance, and I sing softly for you."

With Cijie's song concluded, Meti took the stage for a solo dance, followed by Yayao and Yejun's mesmerizing duet, "Ascending the Hill Together."

Yayao's upper body was tightly wrapped in a piece of blue silk, accentuating her slender waist and prominent breasts, while her exposed navel exuded infinite allure. Below, she wore only a pair of ultra-small purple panties, with her dense pubic hair peeking out like a brilliant halo along the edge, while her long, slender legs resembled two jade dragons leaping and dancing. With coquettish eyes and sparkling allure, she stood at the center of the Welcome Celestial Garden, gracefully bowing to the assembled celestials with hands flat and one foot extended forward at a ninety-degree angle. Meanwhile, Yejun signaled the crowd with a respectful gesture. His bright, clear eyes, thick curly hair resembling forests and clouds, developed muscles, and strong physique were all on display. His upper body was bare, revealing a bronze hue, while he wore white tight pants below, his groin raised like a lion, ready to leap and bound at any moment, exuding boundless vitality and wildness.

The dance began!

Double swallows soared, white cranes danced in the spring, double dragons played with pearls, peacocks courted phoenixes, sea dragons explored the depths, tigers descended from mountains, jade rabbits nestled in burrows, eagles left their nests, willows swayed gently, buds bloomed, clouds and rain enveloped Wu Mountain, wind swept the plains, clouds veiled the green mountains, mist shrouded the valleys, long rainbows pierced the sun, and colorful clouds chased the moon. Tumbling and leaping, rising and falling, each move expressed myriad styles with boundless passion, while each posture emanated countless interpretations and vast imagination. The celestial beings watched, their souls stirred, their hearts swaying. With the dance's movements, they alternated between holding their breath in rapt attention and clapping and cheering. This dance was something found only in heaven, impossible to witness anywhere in the mortal world.

After the double dance concluded, they performed sequentially, and the Song and Dance Welcoming the Celestials continued until everyone was thoroughly entertained and dispersed.

The Hundred Crafts Exhibition

Activities such as "Visiting Crane Ridge Together," "Boating in the Lake Bay," "Poetry Competition in the Hundred Fruit Orchard," and "Guessing Riddles and Telling Stories" in the Seven Fragrances Garden are similar to those in the mortal world, differing only in content while sharing a similar nature, hence they are omitted.

The lifestyle of the celestials in the Thousand-year World differs from that of humans in terms of environment, geography, and physical condition. Consequently, their work content and methods also differ. Presented here are some examples of their work content and methods.

Respected Bajian in Seven Fragrances Garden arranged a series of welcome activities to greet Hye and Horry, one of which was the "Hundred Crafts Exhibition." "Hundred Crafts" refers to the demonstration of technical skills, and the "workplace" is where the labor is conducted. With nearly 300 celestials in Seven Fragrances Garden, the workplaces are dispersed, thus this activity is carried out separately. Let's examine a few scenes to understand what the celestials in the Thousand-year World are doing and how they go about it.

Making needles:

Celestials in the Thousand-year World also wear clothes. However, making clothes requires needles. In the absence of modern steel mills like on Earth, where do the needles come from?

Celestial Siduo in Seven Fragrances Garden specializes in making needles. Leading everyone to a hillside on Crane Ridge where more than ten small needle grasses grow, Siduo demonstrates the process. These small needle grasses are small shrubs with sparse needle prickles growing on their branches of varying lengths, which are very sharp and hard. They are similar in size and shape to the needles used by humans to sew clothes, except for the different materials. Siduo forcefully breaks off a few of them and lightly shaves off a little from both sides of the tail of one of them with a small knife. Then, he holds the needle prickle firmly with one hand and uses a sharp tool he brought with him, resembling a thin iron rod obtained from Red Rock Gully and honed on a stone, to drill and dig the tail of the needle. After a while, the needle eye is pierced, and then he polishes the tail on the stone, making it smooth and round, thus a sewing needle was made.

Sewing Clothes

In the Thousand-year World, fabric comes from two sources: one is silk from silkworms, and the other is flower petals. The flower responsible for these petals is called "Celestial Clothing." Its flowers are large, with five petals each, several times larger than those of a butterfly orchid and almost the size of a Dripping Guanyin leaf. Because they bloom for a long time, these petals are very flexible, brightly colored, and soft like cotton, making them ideal fabric material.

Silk fabrics are dyed using plant materials such as indigo, acorn, gallnut, persimmon leaves, holly leaves, chestnut shells, lotus seed husks, Salvia officinalis leaves, Japanese umbrella pine leaves, red lotus roots, yellow bark twigs, and others, rather than mineral substances such as iron ore powder, mica, cinnabar, alum, etc. These materials are ground into powder and soaked to extract their pigments for dyeing silk fabrics. Different dyeing and processing techniques create different types of silk, such as silk fabric, gauze, brocade, and damask, in colors ranging from red, orange, and yellow to green, blue, and purple. There are many shades within each color family, with yellow alone having variations like goose yellow, chrysanthemum yellow, apricot yellow, egg yolk yellow, millet yellow, gold yellow, earth yellow, and brown tea, while green includes hues like emerald, bean green, leafy green, fruit green, and ink green.

Lanbi, Daiyao, Muqin, and Suolan specialize in sewing clothes. Lanbi uses Celestial Clothing flower petals and wooden scissors to cut each petal according to Hye's body shape. Daiyao skillfully sews the petals together with a needle. With their expertise, they quickly complete a cream-colored skirt. Similarly, Muqin and Suolan sew an apricot-colored skirt for Horry using silk.

Making Knives, Axes, and Saws

Some trees in the Thousand-year World grow and decay quickly, their soft wood being easily processed and useful for construction. Most houses are built using this type of wood. To shape this wood, no knives, axes, or saws are needed; instead, the wood is shaped using ropes based on the principle of "rubbing ropes against wooden boards will cut into them." Some wood is hard and requires knives, axes, or saws for processing.

There are no steel mills, ironworks, or steel rolling mills in the Thousand-year World, so where do they get knives, axes, and saws?

Consciousness creates reality. Just as fruits on Earth are created by Super Celestial Beings to meet human needs, materials in the Thousand-year World are created by Super Celestial Beings to meet the needs of the celestials and the environmental characteristics of the Thousand-year World. About 30 kilometers from the Seven Fragrances Garden lies a canyon called "Red Rock Gully." Here, there are many differently shaped "stone slabs" and "stone strips," which are actually a special metal composite material. Materials are selected according to needs and then polished to make the necessary tools, such as knives, axes, and saws.

Baxia, Kasang, Mudi, Lunqin, Gewa, and Heige specialize in making tools such as knives, axes, and saws. At "Red Rock Gully," Baxia selects a stone about ten centimeters long, Kasang chooses one about half a meter long, Mudi picks one about ten centimeters long, and Lunqin takes a "long stone strip." They then enter a workshop they built earlier. Gewa and Heige have already lit the stove, using hard red pine as fuel instead of coal. Baxia throws the ten-centimeter-long stone into the fire, which quickly turns red. He then removes it with pliers and hammers it on an anvil about fifty times. In no time, a small knife is formed. After cooling it in water, he grinds it back and forth on a greenstone, resembling a grindstone. Finally, he embeds a wooden handle in the tail end, completing the small knife.

Other tools, such as axes and saws, are made in a similar manner.


Females in the Thousand-year World never cut their hair; it naturally falls off when it reaches waist-length and then grows anew. Haircutting is only for males. Men's beards hardly grow before the age of 600, and they almost never shave. In contrast, men's hair in the Thousand-year World grows continuously from birth, which raises the issue of haircutting.

Jiri and Dajia are responsible for haircuts. Currently, Ciji and Mira need haircuts, so they sit on bamboo stools with Jiri cutting Ciji's hair and Dajia cutting Mira's. They only use a comb and a pair of scissors, skillfully completing their work in no time.

The comb mentioned here is made from leaves of the "Evergreen Wood," shaved with a knife. This "Evergreen Wood" grows very slowly, and its leaves are almost like hard wooden pieces as thick as combs. They are called leaves because of their leaf-like shape and are perfect for making hair combs.

Making Toilet Paper

In the Thousand-year World, there's no use for paper, no books, no letters, no need for writing or articles. However, toilet paper is still a necessity. Are paper mills needed in the Thousand-year World? No, they are not.

Celestial Mocheng and Celestial Bixue are specifically tasked with making toilet paper. This toilet paper isn't paper at all; it's actually a type of flower petal called "Skin Comforting Fragrance." These flowers are as large as ordinary washbasins, with shapes resembling begonia blossoms and a snow-white color. Their fragrance resembles lavender, and their petals are covered with tiny buds resembling taste buds on the tongue. Mocheng and Bixue collect two full backpacks of "Skin Comforting Fragrance" flower petals from the garden in the Seven Fragrances Garden. They then pour these petals into a large water tank for soaking. The purpose of soaking is mainly to remove the oils and gums from the petals. The water used for soaking isn't ordinary; it's from a spring near the Seven Fragrances Garden, tasting of lime with high alkalinity. Additionally, grass and wood ash water are added. After soaking, the "Skin Comforting Fragrance" flower petals are taken outside to dry in the sun, becoming soft and gentle like cotton, serving as toilet paper.

Making Water Tanks, Buckets, and Basins

Whether for printing and dyeing silk fabrics or soaking "Skin Comforting Fragrance" flower petals, water tanks are needed in the Thousand-year World. With water tanks come water buckets, and transplanting flowers and plants for decorating courtyards, water buckets are required. For washing faces, water basins are essential. So, how are water tanks, buckets, and basins made?

Male celestial Lanbo and Taoqian, along with female celestial Meiji and Weijie, are responsible for making these items. Meiji and Weijie go to the forest of the Crane Ridge and cut a diagonal opening in the bark of a tree, then insert a tube into it. A sticky liquid similar to milk continuously flows out, collected in a basin. This liquid is a type of glue with very strong adhesion. After collecting enough liquid, they move to another tree and repeat the process until the basin is full. This tree is called the "silica gel tree", similar to the rubber tree on Earth, but its liquid doesn't solidify easily. It can be used like paint to coat walls with a brush. When it comes into contact with water, it solidifies, making it suitable for making water buckets and other items.

Lanbo and Taoqian cut bamboo into required lengths and sizes. Then they glue the pieces together using the silica gel sap collected by Meiji and Weijie. They also brush a little water onto the bamboo pieces to aid in bonding. This creates the side of the water basin. Next, they glue many small bamboo pieces together in a similar manner, cover them with silica gel sap, and then with a banana leaf that is strong, waterproof, and smooth, which is the root skin that wraps the main trunk of the banana plant. The two parts are bonded together as one, then cut into the desired circular shape and placed into a cylinder made of bamboo strips that are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. Silicone tree sap is dripped around the edge, then brushed inside and out. After spraying water inside and out, the water basin is complete. Water tanks are made in the same way. When making a water bucket, holes are drilled at the top of two large bamboo strips beforehand. These strips are slightly longer than the others. Before bonding, they just place them symmetrically and insert a thick red willow stick into the holes of the bamboo strips.

To create a colorful basin, plant pigments are extracted and added to the liquid from the silica gel tree.

Making Shoes

Making shoes in the Thousand-year World is the easiest thing. Celestial Bloom and Celestial Lema show us how. They go to the forest and cut the bark of a coconut tree that wraps around the trunk after its large leaves fall off. This bark, approximately one meter long and fifty centimeters wide, is extremely flexible and cannot be smashed or torn apart. Bringing the bark to their workshop, they draw lines on the bark based on the size of their feet, then cut out the soles and uppers with a knife. Two or three layers of coconut bark are used for the soles, bonded together with silica gel tree liquid. After soaking until firm and drying in a cool place, a very comfortable pair of shoes is made.

Making Toothbrushes?

Sorry, the celestials in the Thousand-year World never brush their teeth. Why? Because they eat very bland food with little residue left in their teeth, and their food is created by the Greatest Creator and never processed. Therefore, their mouths always have a pleasant scent, and there's no mention of bad breath among them.

Calculating the Passage of Time

Sorry again, the celestials in the Thousand-year World never calculate time, including hours, days, and years. They have no concept of time, so why bother? Not calculating time doesn't mean there's no time. In the Thousand-year World, there's no need to worry about the passage of time. When I mention a celestial's age, it's solely based on their appearance or physical features on Earth. So, does the Thousand-year World have a sense of a day passing? Yes, but it's not based on celestial movements, as it's difficult to perceive or calculate days that way. It's based on changes in the environment. Since it does not rain in the Thousand-year World, how do trees and plants survive and grow? Will they dry up? The answer is no. According to human time, approximately every 15 days, there's a period of water vapor transpiration in the environment, which forms clouds and fog. These clouds and fog contain a lot of water, and when they pass through an area, they wash the leaves and wet the ground. This period is considered a day in the Thousand-year World.


Performance at the Chamber of Joy

In the Thousand-year World, the mode of production follows a system of non-ownership, where resources are shared and do not belong to any individual or group. There is no marriage, as stated in the teachings of Jesus Christ: "In heaven, they neither marry nor are given in marriage." There is also no concept of romantic relationships or lovers due to the shared resources, which means there are no fixed partners for love or sexual relations. All relationships unfold naturally according to destiny.

Because of the communal sharing of resources, there is neither private nor public ownership but rather a system of non-ownership. Consequently, there is no concept of adultery, extramarital affairs, or rape among men and women. Moreover, all celestial beings in the Thousand-year World possess exquisite and pure souls, and their words and actions always bring joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss to others. Everywhere is peaceful, warm, harmonious, and auspicious, with no issues of harm or conflict.

The Chamber of Joy is a designated space for love, entertainment, romance, and sexual activities. In every village with around 100 celestial citizens, there is a dedicated Chamber of Joy. Female celestials in their mating season reside in the Chamber of Joy, and some non-mating female celestials willingly assist and care for those in their mating season, ensuring they can fully enjoy the pleasure of sexual activities. Any male celestial who wishes to engage in lovemaking and entertainment with a female celestial in her mating season is free to visit the Chamber of Joy and share in the delightful sexual experiences with the female celestials.

The Chamber of Joy is regarded as a sacred haven, where sexual activities are viewed as sacred, noble, and pure. All celestial beings are entitled to enjoy the freedom and happiness of sexual activities, which is a shared value in the Thousand-year World. Consequently, Chamber of Joys are typically built in the most beautiful and serene environments, with the best facilities available. Here, individuals can engage in lovemaking, play, entertainment, and self-expression free from interference, taboos, worries, or fears.

After attending the "Song and Dance Welcoming the Celestials," Horry and Hye proceeded to watch the skills of the celestial beings at the Hundred Craftsmen's Workshop. Following this, Hye was accompanied by Yilong and Weijie, while Horry was accompanied by Budi and Suolan, as they made their way to the Chamber of Joy.

The Chamber of Joy Located on the edge of Crane Ridge's Emerald Slope near Yuecang Lake, the Chamber of Joy in Seven Fragrances Garden is surrounded by water on three sides and backed by Crane Ridge. The Emerald Slope is adorned with exotic flowers and grasses, amidst which colorful flowers are interspersed. Beyond lies the continuous Cloud-piercing Mountains and towering Crane Ridge, with pleasant weather, tranquility, elegance, and the fragrance of flowers and birdsong in the air. The water surrounding the Chamber of Joy connects to Yuecang Lake, clear and pure, with rippling waves. Waterfowl fly leisurely, fish swim freely. Along the lakeside, the willows droop gracefully, and the peach blossoms are hazy.

Budi and Suolan held Horry's hands on either side as they approached the Chamber of Joy, resembling three young girls, lively and joyful. At the Chamber of Joy center of the Chamber of Joy was a garden filled with blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies. Behind it were several clusters of bamboo swaying gently in the wind, with various small birds flying above, making nests, and chirping pleasantly, making one feel happy and comfortable. A winding corridor made of various vines meandered through the secluded path, leading to over ten independent bamboo houses hidden among the peach blossoms.

Choosing a bamboo house at random, Horry entered and found it to be bright, fresh, spacious, elegant, clean, and fragrant with a hint of celestial aura. The floor was paved with small, transparent, colorful pebbles the size of beans. Inside, there were large four-celestial beds, curved chairs suitable for lovemaking, bamboo sofas, and rattan chairs. A large tea table was adorned with melons and fruits unique to the Thousand-year World, alongside a small bamboo vat filled with nourishing juice and a long-handled gourd ladle for convenient drinking.

Budi asked Horry, "How do you like it, dear sister?"

Horry kissed Budi's face affectionately and then embraced Suolan tightly, expressing her gratitude, "A thousand thanks in my heart, life is like a blooming flower. Even if I were to transform into countless billions of myself, it is difficult to express my gratitude."

"Sister, let's go bathe now!" Suolan suggested.

Let me introduce you. Every celestial who lives in the Chamber of Joy must first go to bathe upon arrival. The Chamber of Joy has a bath pool that can accommodate only five or six celestials bathing simultaneously. The bath pool is actually a small hot spring, rich in minerals. Bathing in it is like soaking in a bath solution, leaving the skin clean, refreshed, and even smoother and finer.

The three celestial beings undressed in the room and proceeded naked to the bath pool in the backyard. Budi and Suolan, both around two hundred years old, appeared as young maidens in their twenties on Earth. They were sharp, lively, and beautiful as flowers, adept at understanding emotions and possessing graceful manners that endeared them to the other celestial beings. On the other hand, Horry, over four hundred years old, resembled a woman in her forties on Earth, with a rich history of sexual experiences and a strong libido.

As the three entered the bath pool, the water temperature was just right, offering a comfortable and soothing experience. Budi and Suolan tenderly caressed and washed Horry's entire body with their soft and delicate hands. Playful Budi then instructed Horry to lean her head on Suolan's shoulder and close her eyes, while she gently and delicately touched Horry's genital area, massaging her vulva, clitoris, labia, and perineum. Waves of mild spasms coursed through Horry's vagina, spreading pleasure and relaxation throughout her body.

At that moment, the male celestial beings, Dayue and Raji, quietly approached the bath pool. They had already disrobed in the room chosen by Horry. Upon seeing them, Budi and Suolan silently gestured to Dayue and Raji to join them in the pool. Dayue and Raji stealthily entered the pool and discreetly took the place of Budi and Suolan. Raji positioned Horry's head on his shoulder, gently caressing and supporting her buttocks with his hands, while Dayue used his hands to tenderly touch and cleanse Horry's inner thighs and genital area. Horry was fully aware of these substitutions and actions but pretended not to notice. After a while, Raji gently pulled Horry towards him from behind, placing his hands on her breasts and softly massaging them. Raji's erect penis slowly rubbed against Horry's crotch from behind. Meanwhile, Dayue submerged himself in the water, occasionally using his mouth to suck and lick Horry's labia.

Feeling an increasing sense of comfort and arousal, Horry couldn't help but use her left hand to embrace Raji's neck. Raji seized the opportunity to kiss Horry's lips, first lightly licking her lips and then her teeth before their lips finally sealed together in a passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined in a dance of intimacy and desire. At the same time, Horry used her right hand to lift Dayue and gently stroke his penis.Observing Horry's escalating pleasure, Budi and Suolan quickly washed Raji and Dayue thoroughly. Once everyone had finished bathing, Dayue lifted Horry in his arms and carried her out of the bath, followed closely by Raji, Budi, and Suolan, all heading back to the room.

Dayue gently placed Horry on the bed and stood beside her, gazing at her. He saw Horry's fair body exposed, her delicate bones and plump muscles, her emerald eyebrows and charming red lips, her flirtatious and coquettish eyes, her soft and lustrous skin like snow cotton, and her twin peaks rising like two mushroom clouds on the undulating plain. Her slender legs were slightly apart, and her pubic region was full and sexy like a rabbit. While Dayue gazed at Horry, she also carefully observed him. She saw that Dayue had strong muscles, developed chest muscles, a handsome face with sharp features, and eyes that were bright and clear, as if expressing infinite affection. Looking at his genitals, his erect penis was like a dragon ready to overturn the sea at any time, and his glans was huge, like a leopard waiting to pounce on its prey. Horry reached out a white jade hand to hold his penis, and a drop of glistening liquid oozed out of the glans. Dayue leaned down and lightly bit Horry's ear, saying affectionately, "Dear sister, you are beautiful and tender, with infinite charm. Meeting you at the Seven Fragrances Garden, I have fulfilled my long-standing wish. Today, I am willing to do anything for you. Whatever you want me to do, as long as you like it. I am willing to enter the uterus from your vagina and sleep for three days, even if you eat me, I am willing." "My dear baby, I'm burning down there, hurry up and let me taste it first, I can't stand it anymore!" Horry said passionately. Hearing this, Dayue crawled onto the bed and hugged Horry tightly with both hands. Their bodies pressed together, limbs entwined, skin touching intimately, the melding of water and milk, lips meeting, tongues entangled. Horry felt that her skin pores all over her body were crazily absorbing the warmth and energy from Dayue's body, a swelling comfort. Dayue nestled on Horry's soft jade body, feeling a delicate fragrance penetrating his skin, making his whole body smooth. Dayue let his penis rub back and forth on Horry's labia from top to bottom. After rubbing for more than a dozen times, he felt the lubricating love fluid flowing out of the vagina. It was the right time, the flower buds bloomed. The glans touched the vaginal opening, and the penis gently and gently entered the vagina further, and then plunged into the vagina with a jerk. A huge sense of satisfaction immediately spread all over the body to the heart. The love of life and gratitude for LIFE erupted from every cell like a volcano, and at the same time, Horry let out an "ah", feeling that her vagina was full, and her pelvis seemed to be cracked. There was a little comfortable pain mixed with joy and satisfaction flooding her whole body. The whole body convulsed and tensed, and her sphincter tightened involuntarily, and her vagina tightly contained Dayue’s jade stem.

This is like a long drought ending with a refreshing rain, or dry firewood igniting into a fierce flame. Sometimes, silence speaks volumes, far more eloquently than words.

Dayue tightly embraced Horry, their skin passionately kissing each other. Horry's body contorted as if attempting to escape Dayue's all-encompassing embrace, yet her legs instinctively lifted and tightly wrapped around Dayue's waist and hips. Dayue's large, erect penis filled Horry's entire vagina, their combined love juices lubricating their intimate friction. Dayue's thrusts varied from tender to wild, rational to savage, each penetration propelling them towards the pinnacle of ecstasy. With a high frequency of thrusting reaching about two thousand times, Horry's legs gradually stiffened and came together, freed from encircling Dayue's waist. Dayue repositioned himself, holding Horry's waist with one hand while using the other to push the bed, moving Horry's lower body to its edge. Now on all fours, Horry's genitals rested on the bed's edge. With relentless energy, Dayue thrust into and withdrew from Horry's vagina, culminating in a final sprint. A profound sense of pleasure surged within Horry, intensifying until she felt on the brink of an explosion. Pleasure radiated from her clitoris throughout her entire body as she moaned and cried out. Dayue's penis plunged deeply, ejaculating like a rocket, its fluids mingling with Horry's inside her. Dayue experienced a satisfaction and love for life that he had never known before. This satisfaction, love, and gratitude would transform into a huge love that would be released in the course of future life. Meanwhile, Horry felt as if the world had ceased to exist, leaving only comfort, beauty, pleasure, ecstasy, and extreme excitement. She felt as if she were floating in the boundless blue sky, merging with the light, surrounded by wonder, fascination, and tranquility.

After an unknown length of time, Horry felt a soothing sensation as if her body was being gently massaged. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Budi and Suolan, both naked, leaning over her, delicately sucking on her breasts with their mouths, and caressing her abdomen and legs with their hands. Her legs were spread apart, and celestial Raji crawled down to her lower body, inserting his head into her crotch and licking her labia with his tongue. A feeling of happiness washed over her, and this continued for quite some time until she emerged from the intense sexual pleasure. Feeling a bit thirsty, Budi brought her a cup of nourishing juice, which she eagerly drank, feeling refreshed and energized. Watching as celestial Raji tenderly and attentively licked her vagina, a tension, a surge of desire, and a deeper internal drive rose within her. She raised her upper body, fondly stroked Raji's head with her hand, then turned over and lay on her stomach on the bed. Raj comprehended and leaned all over Horry's jade body, his penis sliding down Horry's thigh before entering her vagina and moving back and forth. Budi knelt beside them, massaging Horry's head, while Suolan stood by the bed, massaging her feet. This continued for some time until a stronger, more intense sensation surged from Horry's clitoris. Suddenly, she flipped over and pressed Raji beneath her, kissing him frantically. Budi placed her hand on Horry's abdomen, lifting it gently, while Suolan grabbed Raji's penis and aimed it at Horry's vagina. Horry pushed down, allowing the penis to enter her, and Raji's hips moved back and forth, allowing his penis to go in and out of her vagina. They continued to play around and change positions until the second eruption was about to happen. At that moment, celestial Kasang and Yejun quietly entered the room, and both of them appeared in front of them, shouting loudly, "Hi sister Horry!" Horry saw the handsome faces, strong physiques, well-developed muscles, and erect penises of the two celestials, and a deep sense of joy overwhelmed her, making her whole body feel weak.

Before Horry could respond, Kasang and Yejun quickly approached her. They lifted her and placed her on a love chair, perfectly positioning her genital area to protrude high above, her waist tightly against the chair's bend, and her upper body slightly raised. At this moment, Horry was in a state of excitement. Celestial Budi and Suolan continued to suckle on Horry's breasts, while Raji knelt by the edge of the chair, his hands caressing and pressing Horry's abdomen. Yejun, first attached to Horry's legs, licked and sucked her labia and clitoris, then inserted his tongue inside, stirring it around, and finally sucked on her entire labia as if nursing like a baby. As Horry moved her lower body, Yejun stood up, placed Horry's legs on his shoulders. Then aimed his penis at Horry's vagina, first let the semen overflowing from the glans moisten her vagina. He then inserted it, beginning a wild and vigorous thrusting like a storm. Horry felt a burning sensation, gradually entering a state of euphoria. Meanwhile, Kasang stood on the stools on either side of the love chair, and just lightly straddled Horry's neck, with both hands caressing Horry's head, causing his penis to move around Horry's lips. Suddenly, Horry grabbed Kasang's penis with both hands, opened her mouth, and wildly sucked it in, while everything below was also in a frenzy. . A frenzy ensued — below, above, and in between. Gradually, Horry began to feel warmth, fullness, moisture, and strength, experiencing a dizzying, tearing pleasure as her blood boiled, her breathing becoming increasingly rapid, her entire body gradually stiffening. As Yejun and Gaxiu ejaculated successively, she finally reached an extremely intense climax, feeling a steep peak of pleasure, and then soared to a soul-stirring vast plateau. Horry let out a hoarse "Ah!" and her whole body went limp, fainting away.

She felt as though she was floating and drifting through an endless dream world. The vast universe exuded tranquility and serenity, brimming with boundless love in every aspect.

Simultaneously wandering and standing still, she found herself unable to locate her essence yet acutely aware of her surroundings. Time seemed to stretch infinitely, and everything felt blissful and perfect. It was akin to a new awakening and the commencement of LIFE, where flawlessness and purity prevailed. This was more than mere euphoria; it was sheer ecstasy! Oh, the Complete Perfection of Wisdom, and the boundless bliss of paradise! Everything appeared wondrous and beautiful! Tears of joy streamed down her face as she sang with elation. Horry beheld all the exquisite facets and life forms of the past and future. Every conceivable beauty transformed and transfigured through her consciousness, fulfilling her desires with infinite permutations, vast and unending. Ah, the Elysium World, the Celestial Islands Continent, adorned with endless vistas gleamed resplendently, never ceasing to mesmerize.


Meanwhile, as the celestial Yilong and Weijie led Hye to the Chamber of Joy, where they all experienced similar sensations, Hye's mischievous and wild nature led her to transport several male celestials to heavenly paradise. Let's examine one of these scenarios.

The celestial Gaxiu lay quietly on the bed, while Hye straddled him. Lifting her buttocks slightly, she positioned her labia over Gaxiu's penis and forcefully sat down. Gaxiu let out a moan as a wave of intense pleasure washed over him. Hye moved her body vigorously, lifting and lowering, rotating, twisting, and swaying in all directions. Gaxiu's penis was rubbed in every direction, as Hye's youthful and energetic movements continued without pause. Finally, Gaxiu reached the height of pleasure, his body tensing as semen erupted from his penis. At that moment, Hye, with her profound wisdom, held time still at the climax of Gaxiu, ushering him into the same state of blissful realm experienced by Horry.


At the Sublimating Garden

In the blink of an eye, Hye and Horry had spent three days (equivalent to about 45 days in human time) in Seven Fragrances Garden. On this particular day, the revered figure, Bajian, convened around 300 celestial citizens at the Sublimating Garden, situated in the heart of Seven Fragrances Garden. This center served as a tranquil natural garden where celestial citizens often strolled leisurely. In its midst lay a grassy expanse, lush and verdant like a thick carpet. Bajian sat on a bamboo chair at the center, encircled by the attentive celestial assembly seated on the grass.

Bajian began his discourse: "The universe knows no bounds, and time and space stretch infinitely. Above lies heaven, below lies the human world, and we reside in between. Time, though radiant, passes swiftly, granting us but a millennium. Let us express gratitude to the Greatest Creator for the gift of our abode. Let us cherish life, fostering longevity and blessings. Let envy and greed find no place among us; let us foster mutual affection, thereby exemplifying true benevolence and beauty. Let us nurture a love for nature, recognizing the preciousness of life, and refraining from harm. Let the completeness of our nature be our aim, for in it lies boundless ecstasy and fulfillment. All aspects of existence are in the Tao, and we should follow the Tao and its wondrous nature. Simplicity and humility are the children of Tao, exhibiting the form of petals and the innocence of children. They are soft and peaceful, embodying the essence of Tao. Let arrogance be shunned, akin to harmful vermin; and let scheming thoughts find no foothold, lest they unleash endless tribulations. Eschew the pursuit of magic arts and divergent paths; instead, tread the path of simplicity and ordinariness, for therein lies the supreme path, revealing our true nature, and therein lies true happiness. Let gratitude and appreciation abound, for therein lies boundless happiness. Let our words and deeds be beacons of celestial virtue, lest delusion lead us astray and relegate us to the human realm, where confusion knows no bounds, and even the slightest deviation casts us into the realm of beasts. Let adherence to my teachings be our guide, propelling us towards ascension, wherein we shall first experience ten thousand years of joy, and thereafter bask in eternal bliss. Envision celestial realms, resplendent with wonder and delight. Where consciousness is orderly, the realm of bliss is attained. In all things, structure is the core. With a radiant soul, the structure is luminous. The luminous structure emits a fragrant aura. In the pursuit of extreme benevolence and beauty lies the path to celestial realms..."

Bajian's discourse spanned a full hour, though it felt as though an entire day had passed. The three hundred celestial listeners were enraptured, tears of gratitude streaming down their faces. A serene and pure atmosphere enveloped them, suffused with the promise of a radiant future, filled with love and gratitude, as if they had entered a realm of sublime wonder.

(The narration of “the Second Glimpses of the Thousand-year World” ends here.)

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