The Eight Miraculous Programs of the Human Body


Nov 22, 2012

The operation of the human body is a program, within which eight “miracle programs” are embedded: Self-ignition, Being rescued, Autointoxication, Self-healing (releasing self-healing magical chemicals), Magic power and art, Going crazy, Being possessed by evil spirits, and In bliss. When conditions are ripe, these eight programs will automatically start up and operate.

  1. Self-ignition: The human body can combust spontaneously. This combustion occurs without flames and can be described as molecular fission or molecular dissipation. When the body’s functions reach a high level of order and all energy is concentrated at a single point, if the consciousness leaves the body at this moment, the body’s entire molecular structure will disintegrate and disperse. During dispersion, the molecules move in the direction of the consciousness, creating a spectacle similar to a comet streaking across the sky. This phenomenon is referred to as “rainbow body” transformation in the cultivation community.

  2. Being rescued: When a person faces life-threatening danger and has no immediate help, praying to deities for assistance can instantly turn the situation from perilous to safe.

  3. Autointoxication: When a person reaches the peak of anger and rage, a poison release program is activated in the body, causing instant self-poisoning, making the entire body toxic.

  4. Self-healing (releasing self-healing magical chemicals): When a person’s consciousness is in a state of ethereal clarity, with no sense of self, no attachment, and continuous joy, the body releases a miraculous elixir. This elixir can make diseases disappear, cure terminal illnesses, and bring about miracles.

  5. Magic power and art: When a person focuses intently on a phenomenon or an object without the slightest distraction, supernatural abilities can manifest. This allows them to act freely without obstacles.

  6. Going crazy: When a person’s thoughts are entangled and there is no way to release or resolve them, madness ensues. Women are prone to madness due to emotional entanglements, while men can go mad from suppressed emotions that find no release.

  7. Being possessed by evil spirits: When a person’s desires become uncontrollable, they will be possessed by evil spirits, behaving irrationally and speaking words they do not understand. This is known as “spiritual possession.” The person is no longer themselves but is controlled by a demonic spirit.

  8. In bliss: When a person’s inner world is flawless, free from pessimism, negativity, and all negative emotions, and filled only with gratitude, truth, goodness, and beauty, transforming completely into love and radiating love, they can experience the state of extreme bliss.

The universe is filled with infinite mysteries. Due to the holographic nature of the universe, “a single grain of sand contains a world, and a single leaf holds the essence of enlightenment.” The human body also harbors endless wonders. The eight miraculous programs mentioned above are part of the body’s inherent capabilities. As the saying goes, “sincerity can move mountains.” As human beings, exploring the mysteries of the body offers boundless joy and holds the promise of a beautiful future.

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