You Are a Celestial Being When Your Mind Abides Nowhere


August 28, 2020

Throughout the twenty parallel worlds of thirty-six dimensional space, the most unrestrained LIVES are those of Celestial Beings. They are entirely free from worry, are unrestrained and free, enjoy life wherever they are and whatever they are doing, follow what is predestined, are open, leave things to fate, and are unfettered. “The field of activity is vast with brilliant prospects where much can be accomplished”, they fill love in mountains and rivers, spread affection everywhere, take things as they are, associate with others by following predestined relationships, act in accordance with their natures, take advantage of opportunities as they arise, never do anything yet allow all things happen through them, have no stubbornness, no obstructions, no stagnation, and are unrestrained and elegant.

How can mortals become celestials? The three basic methods are: 1. repay your debts, end your worldly ties, and separate yourself from the secular world; 2. create ties with celestials and accumulate merits and virtues; 3. transform human affection into celestial affection, human nature into celestial nature, and the human world into the celestial world. After this basic work is done, and as long as you abide your mind nowhere, then you will be a celestial.

How do you abide your mind nowhere? Shakyamuni Buddha teaches us: “Our minds should not abide in form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or dharma, but actually abide nowhere”. This means that our eyes should not focus on things that we can see, that we should not be attached to anything that our sense organs perceive, and that we should not be fascinated by Dharma but should keep an empty mind till nothing exists.

This explanation is still a bit vague; specifically, in your heart, there should be no relative, no enemy, no country, no ethnicity, no money, no goal, no religion, no political party, no family, no fame, no wealth or position, no health or longevity, no delicacy, no people involved with you, no laws or regulations, no precepts, no Buddha, no celestials, no heaven, no hell, no Taoist or other temples, no self-refinement, no self-improvement, no success, no failure, nothing to do, and no magical power or Taoist magical arts; having nothing in or on your mind is abiding your mind nowhere.

Can you do it? Of course. This is the real life of the Thousand-year world, Ten-thousand-year world, and the Elysium Islands Continent. Can people in reality do it? Of course! Look at many of our Chanyuan Celestials, they have basically succeeded.

How does one do it? It can be done by listening to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, Immortal Laozi, Master Bodhidharma, and Deiform Buddha. The main contents are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, Tao De Jing, Dharma Patriarch's Bloodline Theory, and both my Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus. If you understand and follow these, then you will abide your mind nowhere. (If you cannot do them this way, then I can marry you).

There are large numbers of “chicken soup for the soul” articles on the web, all of which are illusive thinking. If you do not believe me, then you can read the articles of these big gods, big Buddhas, big celestials, and great masters of the web every day and spend a bunch of money and your entire Lifetimes studying their magical arts. Then, when you are very old and looking back from your deathbed, you will find that you understand and have nothing but that all you have done was to keep spinning around in one spot. No matter how you spin around, you cannot elude the cave of the silken web.

At this degenerating time, people from all walks of life look for their descendants; there are gods, Buddhas, celestials, demons, devils, and monsters among them. Any carelessness might drop you into a trap, and the measures and methods of demons, devils, and monsters are more attractive than the others. You must always keep the sacred lamp in your heart burning.

Do you not believe me? Just look! Where there is hustling and bustling, disasters will gather; where there are more disciples, the places will be more problematic; where it is mysterious and spooky, demons, devils, and monsters will be making waves. Sneaky places are where ghosts and monsters abound, and the places where people practice magical arts are where paranoid people possessed by devils feel good but lose their natures.

Do you not believe me? Look back to see if what I have said has been true over the last decade; you can go straight to the source, the Greatest Creator, and be a celestial! How do you become a celestial? Abide your mind nowhere.

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