How Far Are We from Heaven?


Nov. 19, 2023

Even if you can deny the existence of heaven, you cannot deny the existence of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan, because it is a replica and model of the lowest level of heaven on earth.

To truly live a heavenly life, we need to meet the following conditions:

  1. Free from worldly entanglements, with a mind free from attachments and dwelling nowhere.

  2. Debt-free, owing not the slightest debt to heaven and earth, to nature, or to anyone else.

  3. Unselfish, possessing no material wealth and being able to achieve a state of having nothing.

  4. Selfless, with only the Greatest Creator in the heart, all actions following the laws of nature, without seeking or clinging to anything.

  5. Possessing abundant soul and spiritual wealth and sufficient merit.

  6. Harmonious relations with fellow practitioners, without complaints, criticisms, blame, or unreasonable demands.

  7. LIFE's quality is composed of the elements of truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, and sincerity, with nothing beyond these.

  8. Life is filled only with joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss, free from troubles, sorrows, fears, and suffering.

If you possess the above conditions, you are actually living in heaven, experiencing joy, beauty, bliss, and contentment every moment. If you mostly meet these conditions but not entirely, you are on the edge of heaven. If you do not meet any of these conditions, you should not expect to reach heaven in this lifetime. Seriously cultivate and strive to meet the conditions in the next life or the one after that. However, one thing is clear: if we lack any of the eight conditions mentioned above, it will be extremely difficult for us to reach heaven.

Perhaps you think that as humans, we cannot meet the above conditions, and indeed, humans cannot achieve them. Therefore, we must cultivate to become celestial beings.

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