A Brief Introduction to Key Points of Spiritual Thinking


灵性思维要点简介 A Brief Introduction to Key Points of Spiritual Thinking Xuefeng July 28, 2023 (Translation edited by Qinyou) Rational thinking is the characteristic of the virtuous, while spiritual thinking is the characteristic of the celestial. To become celestial, one needs to live with spiritual thinking. The key points of spiritual thinking are as follows: The future of life relies on visualized thinking, not on ability and wisdom. Prayer is a daily conscious activity; without prayer, divine assistance cannot be obtained. Repentance is a necessary condition for the sublimation of life quality; without repentance, there is no sublimation. Imagine the beautiful, and beauty will come; imagine the ugly, and ugliness will come. Without form, one sees the truth; without ego, one sees the true self. No attachment to the form of Dharma. If one is misled by the form of Dharma, one cannot escape the cycle of reincarnation; only by breaking through the form of Dharma, can one see heaven. Think of positive and joyful things each day to cultivate happiness within oneself. Trust in the Greatest Creator, worship and venerate the Greatest Creator, surrender one's LIFE to the Greatest Creator, and entrust one's life to the arrangement and management of Tao; without resentment, regret, remorse, worry, anxiety, fear, with one’s mind abiding nowhere, and affection attached to nothing. The core of spiritual thinking is consciousness not being bound or restricted by the reality of the material world and the constraints imposed by societal norms. It is about being carefree, enjoying life as one wishes, and playing freely. The three thousand macro worlds are all stages for my entertainment, and the infinite time and space are territories for me to roam freely. Lifting a handful of sand, transforming them into thousands of green trees is my petty skill, and creating a beautiful world is my specialty. These are already contents of advanced cultivation practices and are essential qualities for Super Celestial Beings.

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