Holding Grudges Will Surely Cause Illness


February 20, 2024

I haven’t conducted any statistics, but I understand the principle that holding grudges will surely cause illness.

The human body system is quite remarkable. It possesses self-healing and self-regulating abilities, including a self-activating detox switch and a self-destruction switch.

Occasional resentment and hatred are not serious issues. However, if a person harbors resentment and hatred for a long time and constantly complains about various things, it will inevitably lead to changes in the human body system. When complaining, every cell in the human body is in a state of discomfort and lacks energy. Over time, the cells will undergo qualitative changes, and then the most vulnerable part of the human body system or a certain organ will develop pathological changes. The heart, in particular, is most vulnerable to the invasion of resentment, and one’s ability to resist cancer cells will decline, leading to stagnation of heart qi and poor circulation of qi and blood.

Therefore, never complain all the time. Be open-minded about everything, be optimistic, be romantic, find more things that make you happy. As long as you are happy, resentment will dissipate, and the body will be healthy.

Holding grudges will surely cause illness, this is a common sense I know. Whether it is really so, readers please observe the people around you who often get sick, see if he or she often gets the sulks, often complains.

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