A Brief Explanation of Lifechanyuan F-Coin


Vision is proportional to one’s prospects. Nearsightedness renders the distant future obscure. When our consciousness is confined to the pursuit of immediate material benefits and various disputes and phenomena, we inevitably sacrifice our future welfare.

In the not-too-distant future, the number of people surviving on Earth may be fewer than six hundred million. Whether we face destruction or continue to live depends on the amount of spiritual and soul wealth each of us possesses. Destruction will lead to reincarnation in the animal world, while survival will allow us to coexist harmoniously with nature and ascend to the heavenly kingdom.

Nature is managed by advanced beings, and the birth, development, operation, and demise of things are governed by laws. The Earth will not disappear unless it approaches the long axis of the Taiji ellipsoid. The Earth still has a lifespan of five billion years; its end is far off. To maintain the healthy operation of Earth’s life, we need to remove the tumors that damage Earth’s life.

Human behavior is controlled by consciousness, and consciousness is influenced by the phenomena of the vast universe. Only consciousness that is not controlled by worldly phenomena possesses the attributes of advanced beings. All phenomena are material and fleeting; material wealth belongs to phenomena, but its essence lies in spiritual and soul wealth.

In the future, those who remain on Earth will be the wealthy ones—not in terms of material wealth, but in terms of spiritual and soul wealth.

Who are the wealthy in terms of spiritual and soul wealth?

Lifechanyuan F-Coin can serve as an indicator. The amount of Lifechanyuan F-Coin one possesses signifies the amount of spiritual and soul wealth one has. The more F-Coins one has, the closer one is to being wealthy.

Lifechanyuan F-Coin has another function: the more F-Coins one has, the easier it will be to enter the human paradise—the Second Home. Eventually, one can enter the primary paradise—the Thousand-year World.

Lifechanyuan F-Coin has eleven components:

1.The purpose of Lifechanyuan is to revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and follow the way of nature.

2.Portraits of Lifechanyuan mentors: Christ Jesus, Buddha Sakyamuni, and celestial Laozi.

3.A brief explanation of spiritual and soul wealth.

4.A photo of Xuefeng, the founder of Lifechanyuan.

5.The symbol of the new human life mode—the Second Home.

6.The amount of F-Coin.

7.The motto of Chanyuan Celestials: " Open the windows, the sunlight and fresh air will come in; take a broad view, you will see the faraway mountains fresh and green. Stay and study in Lifechanyuan; a new LIFE will begin. Your spirituality will grow, and your thinking will transcend the limitations of human nature and ethics."

8.The symbol of the International Family of Lifechanyuan.

9.An explanation of the nature of F-Coins, i.e., the currency of the heavenly kingdom.

10.The serial number of the F-Coin.

11.The name or code of the F-Coin holder. The shaded area depicts a flat map of the Earth.

When you possess the Lifechanyuan F-Coin, a divine lamp will rise in your heart. This lamp will illuminate your path forward. Follow the light, and you will reach your dream destination.

Remember: Let the dead deal with the affairs of the dead.

I wish you to become a super-wealthy individual in terms of spiritual and soul wealth.

July 17, 2022

Last updated