Lifechanyuan Scripture for Surviving Calamities


August 8, 2024

Heavy rains fall one after another, floods rise to overwhelming levels, crops fail, and hunger looms near.

Heat waves surge higher and higher, scorching heat presses down, body and mind are tormented, and fires rage nearby.

Waves of epidemics strike one after another, coming in relentless succession, impossible to defend against, and death calls.

Earthquakes rumble one after another, stirring the seas, coastlines suffer, and lowlands turn into oceans.

Social unrest spreads, global chaos erupts, war clouds gather densely, and there is nowhere to hide.

Rumors fly everywhere, deceit runs rampant, trust is gone, and all defenses seem futile.

Disasters strike suddenly, darkness comes uninvited, and all wisdom seems like fleeting clouds; countless plans fall short.

This is humanity’s calamity—how should we survive it?

Light the divine lamp in your heart, and let the Creator steady your mind and spirit.

Harbor no resentment, no worry, no fear, and trust firmly in the justice of the Tao.

Pray, repent, and cultivate yourself: "Commit no evil, and do all good."

Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, and follow the way of nature.

Entrust your LIFE to the Greatest Creator, let the Tao guide your life, and live each day with romance and optimism.

Adapt to circumstances, flow with the changes of fate, act with your nature, and respond to situations as they arise.

Avoid greed for bargains, do not follow the crowd, and store some food and medicine.

Gather often with a few close friends, supporting each other in body and mind.

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