The Second Home Front Lawn Resembling a Miniature Margelan Prairie


For the past three days, the weather has been perfect—clear skies, bright sunshine, and spring-like warmth. Taking advantage of this beautiful weather, Buddha Yi and Tong Xin have been working hard from dawn till dusk, while Ehuang has been preparing delicious meals to keep the two young men energized.

With temperatures set to drop to -10°C and snow expected in the coming days, the team has been making the most of the warm spell. After three days of intense work, the front lawn is nearly finished, with just one more day of effort required to complete the job. If it rains and the grass greens up, the lawn will resemble a miniature Margelan Prairie.

Once the "prairie" look is established, it will be a wonderful spot for fun and relaxation. The upcoming guests can enjoy tumbling on the "prairie," and the more adventurous might even organize their own mini-Olympics on this picturesque lawn!

Please enjoy the beautiful "prairie" scenery of our lovely home, captured as the sun was setting. 2017-10-29

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