The little swallows at the Canadian Oasis have fledged!


Last year, a pair of swallows built a nest in the gap of a beam, but we didn’t know when the fledglings flew away. Today, the swallows have nested in the same spot again. According to Fairy Xinrui’s observation, there are four baby swallows this time. A few days ago, one of the baby swallows fledged. Its wings were still delicate, so it landed on the window ledge shortly after flying out. I managed to capture the moment. Please enjoy the photos.

Eight years ago, at Phoenix Gorge in Yifen Courtyard, I took Fairy Xinrui for a scenic drive and even wrote a poem about it. Today, another wonderful opportunity arose. I took Fairy Xinrui for a drive to Baili Village for some shopping. Revisiting these beautiful memories after eight years, I’m reminded of how wonderful it is to be alive. As long as we’re alive, there will always be moments of joy and beauty.


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