The Little Girl Gathering Cow Dung


"There are little girls who gather mushrooms, and there are also little girls who collect cow dung.

This morning, after entertaining our guests and having lunch, we went to the same place as last time to gather cow dung. Three of us worked together to collect cow dung, filling four bags. We brought it back and stored it in the garage to be used as fertilizer for the rose bushes and small vegetable garden next spring.

The day before yesterday, Ehuang and I went to the Baimi Village store looking for sheep manure. We didn’t find any, but we did find horse manure for sale. A bag of horse manure weighing about 25 pounds costs 75 Canadian dollars, which is nearly 400 Chinese yuan. Oh my goodness, horse manure is so expensive! We decided not to buy it and instead went to the wilderness to collect it ourselves. Cow dung is everywhere in the wild and costs nothing.

Imagine if one day we found a mother-in-law in the wilderness—it would be quite a windfall!"


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