Scenes of the Two Little Girls Mushroom Picking Today


The joy of life is not found in grand achievements but in the ordinary moments of daily life. Just look at the scenes of the two little girls picking mushrooms today at the Canadian Oasis, and you’ll surely find endless delight.

After finishing the article “The Pinnacle of a Utopian Life,” I went out onto the balcony facing the backyard and discovered that Xinrui and Jiaoxian had already collected a large bag of mushrooms. I quickly grabbed my phone and went downstairs to capture a few shots of them picking mushrooms on the front lawn. We are grateful to Buddha and God; despite temperatures being below freezing in the early morning and evening, we are still able to find mushrooms. And as long as we go out to pick them, we can collect some every day—recently, we’ve been enjoying mushrooms daily. The green items in the basket are alfalfa.

Yesterday and today, the two girls continued painting the house during their free time, and it is now looking almost brand new.

Xinrui’s punctuation-free sentences and Southern accent create endless amusement. Every day, there are new funny moments. For example, when I asked Xinrui to say “Master Shao makes a fire,” she pronounced it as “Sao Shifu Sao Huo,” which had everyone laughing heartily. Life at the Oasis is indeed joyful and fulfilling.

Please enjoy the pictures.


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