Scenes of Life at the Canada Headquarters


Xinrui's lack of punctuation and Southern accent always create endless amusement. Yesterday, while we were working, Xinrui asked me, "How do you eat tour guide cow dung?" I was puzzled. What does "tour guide cow dung" mean? Is a tour guide cow dung? How do you eat this pile of cow dung? Or was she asking, "Tour guide, how do you eat cow dung?" How do you eat cow dung? I’ve never eaten cow dung before! I was confused and asked Xinrui again, "What are you saying?" Xinrui continued to ask, "How do you eat cow dung?" So I said, "Only a dung beetle knows how to eat cow dung; I really don’t know." At this point, Jiaoxian was already laughing so hard she could barely contain herself and said, "Xinrui was asking how to eat kidney!"

The temperatures at the Canadian Oasis are already below freezing in the early morning and evening, with deep autumn weather during the day, chilly and brisk. Painting work is temporarily on hold. Yesterday, we cut down branches that were obstructing traffic, tidied up the piles of grass, and prepared to move a large pile of dirt from behind the small rock garden to a ditch on the other side of the backyard fence to level the lawn.

Recently, tenants have been coming intermittently. For the past five days, we have had tenants almost every day, mostly renting just one room at a time. Even small daily income is gratifying.

The day before yesterday, I went to town to print 500 business cards. The cards, designed by Conglong Ailian and Bai Chuan, feature an introduction to the B&B on the front and some information about the International Zen Family on the back. I also went to the accounting office to handle the third-quarter tax forms and then to the government tax department to pay the third-quarter taxes, totaling nearly 2,700 Canadian dollars, equivalent to over 14,000 Chinese yuan.

On the 15th of this month, a repair company will come to clean the heating pipes and install some facilities. On the 16th, I will go to Williams Lake to perform maintenance on the vehicle. On the 3rd of next month, we will head to Vancouver to send off Jiaoxian and Xinrui as they return to their home country and to welcome the arrival of Foyi.

Life at the Canadian Oasis is auspicious, smooth, peaceful, and serene. Please rest assured.


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