Scenes of Labor at the Canada Headquarters


The ice and snow of the northern country have melted, grass and trees are starting to green up, and the birds have returned to chirp on the lawns! A dozen geese have already made the Academy’s lawn their playground, leisurely strolling and foraging for food every day. Outdoor work has also begun. Last Friday, the group from the Zen Academy worked together to clear fallen trees in the forest. Huiyi removed many stones from the lawn that were obstructing the lawnmower, and we fertilized and watered the rose bushes. Unfortunately, many of these labor scenes weren't captured in time. Yesterday, Ehuang planned and designed the replacement of an old wooden fence near the entrance with new posts and wire fencing, which looks much more attractive!

Whenever the Chanyuan Celestial members come together, no matter how many people are involved, collective labor turns into a fun and enjoyable activity. Talking and laughing, we complete the work effortlessly!


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