Scenery Appreciation of the Canadian Oasis


Yesterday, Vancouver's "Fen Tiao" transported goods and took Tong Xin and me from Vancouver to the Oasis of Life. We departed around 8 a.m. and arrived before 2 p.m. The trip was safe and smooth. This morning, "Fen Tiao" again carried Tong Xin, Fo Yi, E Huang, and me to a city called Williams Lake, 60 kilometers away, for shopping, primarily to buy a lawnmower. We had breakfast and lunch in Williams Lake before returning to the Oasis. After that, we hurried back to Vancouver, arriving at Zen Grass Home at 6:30 p.m. This time, "Fen Tiao" made a significant contribution to the construction of the Oasis. Without the efforts of "Fen Tiao," we would have struggled to resolve many issues. I firmly believe this is God's arrangement, ensuring a smooth process for the construction of the Oasis of Life.

I took some photos, but due to time constraints, they are just casual snapshots. The main purpose is to let everyone appreciate the scenery of our Oasis and understand its current condition. 2017-10-08

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