Let me share the happiness of our brother and sister too


"I often see the happy lives of our brothers and sisters from Flower Fruit Mountain and Thai Home, and hear about the joyful lives of our brothers and sisters from Massage Hall and Entrepreneur Gardens, which makes me a bit envious and jealous! Yesterday, we went to the annual Garlic Festival near the Canadian Academy. Though the festival wasn’t overcrowded, it was bustling with activity. We enjoyed ice cream, burgers, and hot dogs, listened to singers perform on stage, and browsed through every stall. Don’t you think it’s beautiful? Just look at Xinrui, Tongxin, and Huiyi with their smiles stretching from ear to ear, and you’ll know that life at the Canadian Academy is still very sweet.

For several years, a guest who participates in the Garlic Festival has brought us watermelons each year. This year, they brought us three large watermelons and four cantaloupes. Additionally, an elderly couple attending the festival gave us nearly a box of tomatoes and eggplants. Such heartfelt generosity! Without further ado, enjoy the sweet smiles of our boys and girls."


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