Hard work brings rewards


In The Greatest Creator's land and according to The Greatest Creator's plan, a bit of hard work yields a share of the harvest. Nature nurtures us, and The Greatest Creator is the primary force of production. As long as we treat the land and nature with respect, follow natural laws, and sow seeds, we can fulfill our hopes. This spring, I tilled a small plot of land and planted pumpkin seeds. With the help of Fairy Xinrui, who fertilized, watered, and weeded, especially using the urea I produced myself, the pumpkins grew well. As a result, we harvested a truckload of pumpkins. As of today, we've gathered nearly 60 large pumpkins, with more still growing. We might end up with a hundred pumpkins in the end!

To achieve anything in life, one must put in sweat and hard work. This is the path to a healthy and bright life.


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