Dear folks, today we picked another truckload of mushrooms!


Last night, it rained.

After brunch, Fairy Xinrui had four rooms to tidy up, so Fairy Xinrui and I went out to pick mushrooms. We walked along the edge of the Oasis and discovered another area with a lot of mushrooms. At first, we took two baskets, but they weren’t enough, so we had to bring out the cart.

Today, our mushroom-picking standards have improved: we don’t take any mushrooms eaten by bugs, those with colored tops, overly mature ones, or slightly rotten ones. The cart was filled with high-quality mushrooms.

Behind the Canadian Oasis, the forest stretches endlessly. There are likely mountains and seas of mushrooms there. If you’re up for it, it would be great if a group of ten or more brave souls went with drums and gongs to the forest—there’s a good chance you could gather a truckload of mushrooms!

Life here is like a poetic painting—truly beautiful!


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