Celosia at the Canada Headquarters


July and August are the peak business seasons at the Academy, with a constant flow of guests and lively activity. Recently, we had a first-time experience: five RVs gathered together, and a dozen guests enjoyed lively discussions. Even past 10 PM, they were still chatting under the RV awning—a delightful sight.

In recent days, Yuqing and his beloved, along with their two lovely daughters Xiaobai and Xiaoqian, have traveled a long distance to visit the Academy, bringing joy and festivity. The two daughters, born and raised in Canada, speak fluent English and have bright, cheerful personalities with remarkable intelligence, which everyone finds endearing. Ehuang and I managed to take a family photo after snatching the two daughters from Yuqing and his beloved.

With business thriving, Xinrui, Tongxin, and Huiyi have been very busy. They barely have time to go online. When they have some free time in the evening, I’ve asked them to join me in playing games, so our online communication has been limited. I hope everyone understands.

The flowers are blooming just like young women feeling the stirrings of spring or a younger sister thinking about her brother-in-law. Please enjoy the view.


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