Auntie Rainbow is visiting the Canada Headquarters again!


Auntie Rainbow has come to the Canadian Oasis again! Her affection for me is as deep as the sea, and she always finds a way to visit me wherever I am. Thank you so much, Auntie Rainbow! This year, with the arrival of Fairy Xinrui, Rainbow has visited several times. Today, Auntie Rainbow's colorful outfit is even more vibrant and eye-catching. I really love Auntie!

Everything at the Canadian Oasis is pleasing to the eye, and both the food and accommodation are ideal. Especially the food—since Xinrui arrived, it has reached a new level. Every day we enjoy delicious and satisfying meals. This is thanks to God’s blessings and the care of our siblings. I feel so happy and blessed every day.

Since Xinrui's arrival, we have been able to eat alfalfa every day, enjoy two meals of pumpkin dishes daily, and have an abundance of mushrooms. Xinrui picks mushrooms from the lawn every day, often finding some. Just the other day, she gathered a whole basket. These three types of food are free, so we eat to our heart's content. Next year, we plan to grow more pumpkins and gather more mushrooms, and with the endless alfalfa from spring to autumn, our lives are truly abundant.

Let me share that here, the price of eggs is even cheaper than vegetables, so we eat as many eggs as we want without hesitation.

For this Mid-Autumn Festival, we prepared many foods to offer to the moon. Unfortunately, due to the cloudy weather, we couldn’t see the moon, but the four of us still enjoyed a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival.


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