Admiring the Blooming Thanksgiving Cactus


The beauty of life lies in its countless wondrous sights. From insects, plants, and flowers to people, mountains, and rivers, as long as you have eyes that can perceive beauty, it’s not difficult to appreciate the stunning scenery.

At the Canadian Academy, Ehuang has cultivated a Thanksgiving Cactus. The "seed" was brought from Vancouver three years ago by Tongtian Huiying. A leaf was taken from that cactus and planted in soil, and it began to grow! Recently, this Thanksgiving Cactus has burst into bloom, with a total of 78 flowers—truly a "grand spectacle."

It’s hard to imagine such a lush plant growing in a small pot. With 78 flowers blooming almost simultaneously, and considering the buds that have yet to open, there are nearly 100 flowers—truly an abundance of blooms.

Each blooming flower seems like a fairy descending from the heavens or a charming young woman in my heart.

Brothers, please carefully admire these blooming flowers. Don’t they resemble the dream lover in your heart—pure, captivating, and blooming so unrestrainedly, yet with such deep affection? Imagine these blooming flowers as the passionate ladies in “Jade Peony,” waiting for their prince on a white horse.

"Loneliness, when will it end? I long for news from the horizon. I help others with their worries, while my own heart aches with sorrow. My eyes are full of tears from the spring river, tears that cannot be exhausted. If I could return and share moments together, even if it’s under the peony flowers, and become a ghost, it would still be a romantic life."

“Under the peony flowers, even if one becomes a ghost, it is a romantic life.” This reflects the most innocent and profound desire for love in a passionate woman’s heart. If one could spend every day with their beloved until the end of time, it would be a worthwhile journey on earth. Even if one becomes a ghost, it would still be an exceptional life.

Many beautiful sights are naturally created by heaven and earth, masterpieces of divine craftsmanship. But many beautiful sights are the results of human care and cultivation. Nature combined with meticulous nurturing can create countless beautiful scenes.

May our Chanyuan Celestials be angels creating beautiful landscapes.

Please enjoy the blooming Thanksgiving Cactus.


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