The Future Living Environment is Composed of the Contents of Consciousness


This is one of the mysteries of LIFE.

Have you ever thought about what kind of environment you will live in in the future?

In chanyuan corpus, I’ve mentioned that the future is shaped by imagination, not by hard work and effort. I’ve given many examples to prove the reliability and truth of what I said.

Let me explain this further using my own experiences. When I was a child, I often stared blankly at the setting sun, always feeling that the place where the sun set was beautiful. The West was where my soul yearned to be.

Thirty years later, I moved far from my hometown to the place where the sun sets and enjoyed sixteen years of a very comfortable and leisurely life. It was a period of happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss. I lived in a large villa with a swimming pool, where I could swim year-round, and had two large dogs running and playing in the front and back yards. We had a male and a female servant—he took care of the garden and outdoor cleanliness, while she was responsible for laundry, dishes, and indoor cleaning. For 365 days a year, the garden was lush with greenery, filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sounds of birds.

Today, life is even more pleasant. Behind me is a vast primeval forest, and in front of me lies the expansive Anasim Lake. My three-story house offers views from a nearly 30-square-meter balcony, whether looking out at the snow-capped mountain peaks across the lake or sitting by the lakeside, admiring the rippling waters under the breeze or watching schools of fish swimming in the shallow waters near the shore, alongside flocks of wild ducks playing in the lake. It’s truly refreshing and soul-soothing. In fact, all of this was imagined in my mind long before it became reality.

Now the question is, can anyone achieve their wishes simply by imagining them?

Yes, without a doubt.

The question is, what are you imagining?

Are you imagining making lots of money? Becoming a high-ranking official? Bringing honor to your family? Living above others? Becoming famous and admired by everyone? Are you imagining dominating others, getting revenge, and feeling a sense of satisfaction? Or are you imagining breaking through class barriers?

Do you have the peace of mind and the willpower to imagine your future scenarios?

Difficult, isn’t it? Some of you might even struggle to imagine a beautiful future, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't. Why is that?

There are two core reasons. One, it's not in your consciousness—you lack the fortune, or we could say you don't have the destiny for it. Perhaps in your previous lives, you didn’t accumulate enough merits and virtues. Two, you haven’t given or contributed enough; the principle of zero-sum energy balance blocks your imagination.

To imagine a beautiful future life, you need a few key qualities: purity, simplicity, kindness, a heart free of weeds and toxins, only fragrant flowers blooming in the garden of your soul. You must also have treasures stored in Heaven. Most beautiful environments are reserved only for most beautiful beings. Every living environment corresponds to the contents of its inhabitants' consciousness. If your consciousness lacks beauty, then your real-world environment will have little beauty.

Consider a mousetrap: you put bait on it to lure the mouse in. Similarly, a fishhook with bait lures the fish. Isn’t money, power, fame, status, and form just bait on a mousetrap or fishhook?

Imagine that tomorrow is your last day on Earth—what can you take with you? None of your worldly possessions will come along. The only thing you can take is what’s in your consciousness, what you consider most precious. If what you deem precious is in heaven, then you will surely go to heaven. But if what you value most is in the human world, you will inevitably reincarnate back into the human world.

In other words, your future living environment is composed of the contents of your consciousness. Imagination shapes the future. However, if your wisdom roots are weak and your consciousness lacks beautiful elements, then no matter how hard you try to imagine it, you won’t be able to picture heavenly scenes—you can only imagine human realms or even the realms of animals and plants.

October 7, 2024

Last updated